Usage ***** .. current-library:: binary-data .. current-module:: binary-data Terminology =========== A vector of bytes that has an associated definition for its interpretation is a *frame*. These come in two variants: some cannot be broken down further structurally, we call those *leaf frames*. The others have a composite structure, those are *container frames*. They consist of a number of *fields*, which are the named components of that frame. Every field in a container frame is a frame in itself, leading to a recursive definition of frames. The description of the structure of a container frame in our domain-specific language :macro:`define binary-data` is referred to as a *binary data definition*. Representation in Dylan ======================= The binary-data library provides an extension to Dylan for manipulating frames, with a representation of frames as Dylan objects, and a set of functions on these objects to perform the manipulation. The representation used introduces a class hierarchy rooted at the abstract superclass :class:``, with the two disjoint abstract subclasses :class:`` and :class:``. Every type of frame in the system is represented as a concrete subclass of either one, and actual frames are instances of these classes. A pair of generic functions, :class:`parse-frame` and :gf:`assemble-frame`, convert a given byte vector into the appropriate high-level instance of :class:``, or vice versa. Typical code that handles a frame then looks like this: .. code-block:: dylan let frame = parse-frame(, some-byte-vector); format-out("This packet goes from %= to %=\n\", frame.source-address, frame.destination-address); The first line binds the variable frame to an instance of some subclass of ````. This instance is created from the vector of bytes passed to the call of :gf:`parse-frame`. Then, the value of the source and destination address fields in the Ethernet frame are extracted and printed. The class :class:`` defines several generic functions: .. hlist:: * :gf:`parse-frame` instantiates a :class:`` with the value taken from a given byte-vector * :gf:`assemble-frame` encodes a :class:`` instance into its byte-vector * :gf:`frame-size` returns the size (in bit) of the given frame * :gf:`summary` prints a human-readable summary of the given frame Some properties are mixed in into our class hierarchy by introducing the direct subclasses of :class:``: For efficiency reasons, there is a distinction between frames that have a static (compile-time) size (:class:``) and frames of dynamic size (:class:``). Another property is translation of the value into a Dylan object of the standard library. An example of such a :class:`` is the (fixed size) type :class:`<2byte-big-endian-unsigned-integer>` which is translated into a Dylan :drm:``. This is referred to as a *translated frame* while frames without a matching Dylan type are known as *untranslated frames* (:class:``). The appropriate classes and accessor functions are not written directly for container frames. Rather, they are created by invocation of the macro :macro:`define binary-data`. This serves two purposes: it allows a more compact representation, eliminating the need to write boilerplate code over and over again, and it hides implementation details from the user of the DSL. Frame Types =========== Leaf Frames ----------- A leaf frame can be fixed or variable size, and translated or untranslated. Examples are: .. hlist:: * :class:`` has a variable size and no translation * :class:`` has a zero size and no translation * :class:`` (e.g. an IPv4 address) has a fixed size and no translation * :class:`<2byte-big-endian-unsigned-integer>` has a fixed size of 16 bits, and its translation is a Dylan :drm:``. FIXME: :class:`` is variable size and untranslated, though :drm:`as` in both directions with :drm:`` is provided (should inherit from translated frame) The generic function :gf:`read-frame` is used to convert a :drm:`` into an instance of a ``. FIXME: why is read-frame not defined on container-frame? The running example in this guide will be an ````, which contains the mac address of the source and a mac-address of the destination. A mac address is the unique address of each network interface, assigned by the IEEE. It consists of 6 bytes and is usually printed in hexadecimal, each byte separated by ``:``. The definition of the ```` class in Dylan is: .. code-block:: dylan define class () end; define inline method field-size (type == ) => (length :: ) 6 * 8 end; define method mac-address (data :: ) => (res :: ) parse-frame(, data) end; define method mac-address (data :: ) => (res :: ) read-frame(, data) end; define method read-frame (type == , string :: ) => (res :: ) let res = as-lowercase(string); if (any?(method(x) x = ':' end, res)) //input: 00:de:ad:be:ef:00 let fields = split(res, ':'); unless(fields.size = 6) signal(make()) end; make(, data: map-as(, rcurry(string-to-integer, base: 16), fields)) else //input: 00deadbeef00 ... end; end; define method as (class == , frame :: ) => (string :: ) reduce1(method(a, b) concatenate(a, ":", b) end, map-as(, rcurry(integer-to-string, base: 16, size: 2), end; The data is stored in the ``data`` slot of the :class:``, the ``field-size`` method returns statically 48 bit, syntax sugar for constructing ```` instances are provided, ``read-frame`` converts a ````, whereas ``as`` converts a ```` into human readable output. A leaf frame on its own is not very useful, but it is the building block for the composed container frames. Container Frame --------------- The container frame class inherits from :class:`` and :class:``. A container frame consists of a sequence of fields. A field represents the static information about a protocol: the name of the field, the frame type, possibly a start and length offset, a length, a method for fixing the byte vector, ... The list of fields for a given :class:`` persists only once in memory, the dynamic values are represented by :class:`` objects. Methods defined on :class:``: .. hlist:: * :gf:`fields` returns the list of :class:`` instances * :gf:`field-count` returns the size of the list * :gf:`frame-name` returns a short identifier of the frame The definer macro :macro:`define binary-data` translates the binary-data DSL into a class definition which is a subclass of :class:`` (and other useful stuff). The class :class:`` is a direct subclass of :class:`` which is used for container frames which consist of a header (addressing, etc) and some payload, which might also be a container-frame of variable type. The running example is an ````, which is shown as binary data definition. .. code-block:: dylan define binary-data () summary "ETH %= -> %=", source-address, destination-address; field destination-address :: ; field source-address :: ; layering field type-code :: <2byte-big-endian-unsigned-integer>; variably-typed field payload, type-function: frame.payload-type; end; The first line specifies the name ````, and its superclass, :class:``. The second line specialises the method :gf:`summary` on an ```` to print ``ETH``, the source address and the destination address. The remaining lines represent each one field in the ethernet frame structure. The ``source-address`` and ``destination-address`` are each of type ````. The ``type-code`` field is a 16 bit integer, and it is a ``layering`` field (:class:``). This means that its value is used to determine the type of its payload! Also, when assembling such a frame, the layering field will be filled out automatically depending on the payload type. There can be at most one ``layering`` field in a binary data definition. The last field is the payload, whose type is variable and given by applying the function ``payload-type`` to the concrete frame instance. The default type-function of a :class:`` is :func:`payload-type`. A payload for an ```` might be a ````, if the ``type-code`` is ``#x8100`` (the ``over`` keyword takes care of the hairy details). .. code-block:: dylan define binary-data () over #x8100; summary "VLAN: %=", vlan-id; field priority :: <3bit-unsigned-integer> = 0; field canonical-format-indicator :: <1bit-unsigned-integer> = 0; field vlan-id :: <12bit-unsigned-integer>; layering field type-code :: <2byte-big-endian-unsigned-integer>; variably-typed field payload, type-function: frame.payload-type; end; Default values for fields can be provided, similar to Dylan class definitions, using the equals sign (``=``) after the field type. A more detailed description of the binary data language can be found in its reference :macro:`define binary-data`. Inheritance: Variably Typed Container Frames -------------------------------------------- A container frame can inherit from another container frame that already has some fields defined. The :class:`` class is used in container frames which have the type information encoded in the frame. The layering field (:class:``) of such container frames must be parsed in order to determine the actual type. Continuing with the ```` example, consider the `options of an IPv4 packet `__. These share a common header (``copy-flag`` and ``option-type``), but a concrete option might have additional fields. The end of the options list is determined by the ``header-length`` field of an IPv4 packet and by the ```` (whose ``option-type`` is 0). .. code-block:: dylan define abstract binary-data () field copy-flag :: <1bit-unsigned-integer>; layering field option-type :: <7bit-unsigned-integer>; end; define binary-data () over 0; end; define binary-data () over 20; field router-alert-length :: = 4; field router-alert-value :: <2byte-big-endian-unsigned-integer>; end; This defines the ```` which has the ``option-type`` field in the ip-option frame set to ``0``. An ```` does not contain any further fields, thus only has the two fields inherited from the ````. The ```` specifies two more fields, which are appended to the inherited fields. Fields ====== The domain-specific language :macro:`define binary-data` provides syntactic sugar to create :class:`` instances. A client should not need to instantiate these directly. A field contains the static information (such as type, length, default value) of a sequence of bits inside of a :class:``. Binary data formats have some common patterns which are directly integrated into this library: * *variably-typed* fields for payloads * *layering* of protocols in the OSI network stack * *enumeration* where the bit value has a direct correspondence to a :drm:`` * *repeating* occurences of a field, such as key-value pairs .. note:: There might be more patterns, if you find any, please tell us! Variably-typed -------------- Most fields have the same type in all frame instances, i.e. they are statically typed. In some cases however, the type of a field can depend on the value of another field in the same :class:``. Such fields can be defined using :class:`` which does not have a static type, but an expression determining the field type for a concrete frame instance. This example uses the ``variably-typed field`` syntax. The ``type-function`` keyword has ``frame`` bound to the concrete frame object. .. code-block:: dylan field length-type :: <2bit-unsigned-integer>; variably-typed field body-length, type-function: select (frame.length-type) 0 => ; 1 => <2byte-big-endian-unsigned-integer>; 2 => <4byte-big-endian-unsigned-integer>; 3 => ; end; Note that whenever the actual type of a variably-typed field resolves to the type it means that the field is completely missing from the container frame. Layering -------- Binary data format stacking is omnipresent in network protocols. An ethernet frame can contain different types of payload, amongst others ARP frames, IPv4 frames. This library provides syntactic sugar ``layering`` to define which field in a frame determines the type of the payload. A binary data definition can also specify which value is used to be the payload of another binary data format. A layering field (:class:``) provides the information that the value of this field controls the type of the payload, and establishes a registry for field values and matching payload types. The registry can be extended with the ``over`` syntax of :macro:`define binary-data`, and it can be queried using the convinience function :func:`payload-type`, or :gf:`lookup-layer` and :gf:`reverse-lookup-layer`. Enumeration ----------- An enumerated field (:class:``) provides a set of mappings from the binary value to a Dylan :drm:``. Note that the binary value must be a numerical type so that the mapping is from an integer to a symbol. In this example, accessing the value of the field would return one of the symbols rather than the value of the :class:``. For mappings not specified, the integer value is used: .. code-block:: dylan enum field command :: = 0, mappings: { 1 <=> #"connect", 2 <=> #"bind", 3 <=> #"udp associate" }; Repeating --------- Repeated fields (:class:``) have a list of values of the field type, instead of just a single one. Currently two kinds of repeated fields are supported, :class:`` and :class:``, they only differ in the way the number of elements in the repeated field is determined. A self-delimited field definition uses an expression to evaluate whether or not the end of the list of values has been reached, usually by checking for a magic value. This expression should return ``#t`` when the field is fully parsed. For example: .. code-block:: dylan repeated field options :: , reached-end?: instance?(frame, ); A count field definition uses another field in the frame to determine how many elements are in the field. For example: .. code-block:: dylan field number-methods :: , fixup: frame.methods.size; repeated field methods :: , count: frame.number-methods; Note the use of the ``fixup`` keyword on the ``number-methods`` field to calculate a value for use by :gf:`assemble-frame` if the value is not otherwise specified. Adding a New Leaf Frame Type ---------------------------- Depending on the properties of the frame, there are different methods which should be specialized. In general, there need to be a specialization of the size, how to parse, and how to assemble the frame. There are two generic functions which should be specialized by every :class:`` subclass: :gf:`parse-frame` and :gf:`read-frame`. .. note:: there should be a ``print-frame`` as well, rather than using ``as(, frame)``. Fixed size frames must specialize :gf:`field-size`, variable sized ones :gf:`frame-size`. Translated frames must specialize :gf:`high-level-type` and :gf:`assemble-frame-into-as`. Untranslated frames must specialize :gf:`assemble-frame-into`. There are already several classes and macros implemented where these methods are defined. See also - :class:`` - :class:`` - :class:`` - :class:`` - :class:`` - :macro:`define n-byte-vector` - :macro:`define n-bit-unsigned-integer` - :macro:`define n-byte-unsigned-integer` - :class:`` - :class:`` - :class:`` - :class:`` - :class:`` - :class:`` Efficiency Considerations ========================= The design goal of this library is, as usual in object-centered programming, that the time and space overhead are minimal (the compiler should remove all the indirections!). This library is carefully designed to achieve this goal, while not limiting the expressiveness, sacrificing the safety, or burdening the developer with inconvenient syntactic noise. A story about binary data is that there are often big chunks of data, and deeply nested pieces of data. The good news is that most applications do not need all binary data. The binary data library was designed with lazy parsing in mind: if a byte vector is received, the high-level object does not parse the byte vector completely, but only the requested fields. To achieve this, we gather information about each field, specifically its start and end offset, and also its length, already at compile time, using a number system consisting of the type union between :drm:`` and :const:`$unknown-at-compile-time`, for which basic arithmetic is defined. For fixed sized fields, meaning single fields with a static and fixed size frame type, their length is propagated while the DSL iterates over the fields. All field offsets for the ```` are known at compile time. Accessing the ``payload`` is a subsequence operation (performing zerocopy) starting at bit 112 (or byte 15) of the binary vector. While at the user level arithmetic is on the bit level, accesses at byte boundaries are done directly into the byte vector. This is encapsulated in the class :class:`` FIXME: move to a separate module Each binary data macro call defines a container class with two direct subclasses, a high-level decoded class (:class:``) and a partially parsed one with an attached byte-vector (:class:``). The decoded class has a list of :class:`` instances, which contain the metadata (size, fixup function, reference to the field, etc.) of each field. The partially parsed class reuses this class in its ``cache`` slot, and keeps a reference to its byte vector in another slot.