Functions ========= Functions are ubiquitous in Dylan. Generic functions and methods — the two kinds of function — are the primary means of specialization. Many common operations, such as slot references and arithmetic operations, are accomplished through function calls. In Dylan, unlike in many languages, functions are first-class objects. They can be the values of variables or slots, arguments to other functions, or values returned by functions. Dylan has functions that build new functions out of existing functions. Much of the power of Dylan arises through its sophisticated treatment of functions. This chapter discusses general aspects of the operation of functions in Dylan. It does not describe all aspects of functions. In particular, we discuss the process of method dispatch within generic functions elsewhere (see Sections :ref:`offset-method-dispatch`, :ref:`multi-method-dispatch`, :ref:`classes-method-dispatch-nonclass-types`, and :ref:`inherit-mi-and-md`). This chapter covers three main topics: #. The syntax of function calls, including abbreviations for function calls #. The function-calling protocol, and particularly the interaction between a function and its caller #. The uses of functions as objects, including ways of creating and operating on functions Function-calling syntax ----------------------- This section describes the syntax of Dylan function calls. An explicit function call consists of the operand followed by the arguments enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. Several other syntactic structures in Dylan are also abbreviations for function calls, including the following: - Slot references - References to elements of collections - Most unary and binary operator calls - Certain assignment operations The remainder of this section describes these syntactic forms and the equivalent function calls. Unless otherwise noted, all expressions that make up any of these function calls are evaluated from left to right. (A notable exception is an expression containing the assignment operator, discussed in `Assignment`_.) The common left-to-right rule makes it easy to understand the order of execution of Dylan code. But it also means that certain syntactic forms that we call *equivalent* — that is, syntactic forms that generally result in calls to the same function with the same arguments — differ in the order of evaluation of their components. The components can appear in different orders in otherwise equivalent syntactic forms. Usually, the order of evaluation makes no difference, and you can use whichever of the equivalent syntactic forms you find most convenient. Explicit function calls ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Dylan syntax for an explicit function call has two parts: #. The function to be called — This is an *operand* that is evaluated to yield the function itself. Usually, the operand is a reference to a variable or constant that names the function, although it can be any expression (except an operator call) whose value is a function. (For information on operator calls, see Sections `Unary operator calls`_ and `Binary-operator calls`_.) #. The arguments to which the function is applied — The arguments are represented by a series of expressions, enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. Each expression is evaluated, and its value is passed to the function as an argument. In the following function call, the function is the value of the variable ``truncate/``; the two arguments are the value of the variable ``n`` and the number ``3``: .. code-block:: dylan truncate/(n, 3); A function can be obtained in other ways: for example, it might be an element of an array, the value of a slot of an instance, or the value returned by a call to another function. The following example calls the function that is the element of an ``operations`` array designated by the constant ``$trunc``: .. code-block:: dylan operations[$trunc](n, 3); .. _func-slot-references: Slot references ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A slot reference is a reference to the value of a slot of an instance. The syntax for a slot reference has two parts, separated by a period: - An operand whose value is the instance - The name of the slot’s getter generic function In the following slot reference, the function ``get-employee-named`` returns an instance, which has a slot whose getter is named ``employee-number``: .. code-block:: dylan get-employee-named("Jane").employee-number; Note that the operand that yields the instance can itself be a slot reference, so slot references can be chained: .. code-block:: dylan plant.manager.employee-number; Every slot value in Dylan is obtained by a call to the slot’s getter generic function (although the compiler can often optimize this generic function call to a direct slot access). A slot reference is just an abbreviation for a function call. With one exception, the following examples are equivalent: .. code-block:: dylan plant.manager; manager(plant); The one difference between these examples is that, in the first, ``plant`` is evaluated first, whereas in the second, ``manager`` is evaluated first. In fact, you can use the slot-reference syntax for more than slot references. The object that is the value of the left side can be any object, and the function named by the right side can be any function that can take the object as an argument. The function named by the right side is always called with the object that is the value of the left side as its only argument. Thus, using the ``plant.manager`` syntax is just another way of calling the function named by ``manager`` with the object that is the value of ``plant`` as the only argument. The ``plant`` object does not have to have a ``manager`` slot. In this book, we use slot-reference syntax for - A call to a getter generic function for a slot - A call to a function that takes one argument and returns one value that represents a property of an object .. _func-element-references: Element references ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Collections in Dylan include such data structures as arrays, strings, lists, and tables. Each collection has a mapping from *keys* to *elements*. Dylan’s syntax for referring to an element of a collection has two parts: #. An operand whose value is the collection #. An expression, in square brackets, whose value is the key that maps to the desired element of the collection If the collection is a multidimensional array, the key expression in square brackets can be a series of expressions, separated by commas. Each expression yields the index for one dimension of the array. (Dylan array indices are zero based.) The following example returns the first element of the array named by ``my-array``: .. code-block:: dylan my-array[0]; An element reference, like a slot reference, is an abbreviation for a function call. The generic function ``element`` takes a collection and a key as arguments, and returns the element of the collection that is associated with the given key. Except for the order of evaluation, the following examples are equivalent: .. code-block:: dylan my-array[0]; element(my-array, 0); For arrays of more than one dimension, the key expression in brackets is instead a comma-separated series of expressions. In this case, the element reference is an abbreviation for a call to the ``aref`` generic function. This function takes an array and any number of indices as arguments, and returns the element associated with the array indices. Except for the order of evaluation, the following examples are equivalent: .. code-block:: dylan my-array[0, 2]; aref(my-array, 0, 2); Unary operator calls ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dylan has two built-in unary operators, ``-`` and ``~``. The syntax for a unary operator call has two parts: #. The operator #. An operand The ``-`` operator performs the arithmetic negation of its operand, and the ``~`` operator performs the logical negation. Both operator calls are abbreviations for function calls. The following examples are equivalent: .. code-block:: dylan - time-offset; negative(time-offset); The following examples also are equivalent: .. code-block:: dylan ~ test-condition(cond); \~(test-condition(cond)); In the preceding example, we must escape ``~`` with ``\`` so that Dylan interprets ``~`` as a variable name, instead of as an operator. This syntax indicates an explicit call to the function that is the value of the variable named ``~``. Binary-operator calls ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dylan has 16 built-in binary operators, of the following kinds: - Arithmetic operations: ``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``/``, and ``^`` - Comparisons: ``=``, ``==``, ``<``, ``>``, ``<=``, ``>=``, ``~=``, and ``~==`` - Logical operations: ``&`` and ``|`` - Assignment: ``:=`` The syntax for a binary-operator call has three parts: #. An expression that serves as the first operand #. The operator #. An expression that serves as the second operand All binary-operator calls, except those to the logical and assignment operators, are abbreviations for calls to functions that have the same names as do the operators. Except for the order of evaluation, the following examples are equivalent: .. code-block:: dylan a + b; \+(a, b); The ``&`` and ``|`` operators are implemented as *macros*. (For information on macros, see :doc:`macros`.) In an expression that includes the ``&`` operator, if the first operand has a false value, the second operand is not evaluated. In an expression that includes the ``|`` operator, if the first operand has a true value, the second operand is not evaluated. .. _func-assignment: Assignment ~~~~~~~~~~ The assignment binary operator, ``:=``, also is implemented as a macro. An expression that includes this operator works in a special way. The operand to the *right* of the operator is evaluated first. The result is the new value to be assigned. The operand to the *left* of the operator determines the place to which the new value is assigned. This operand can have one of the following kinds of syntax: Variable name The variable name is not evaluated. Dylan assigns the new value to the variable. Explicit function call Dylan calls the function *name* *-setter*, where *name* is the name of the function in the function call. The first argument to *name* *-setter* is the new value, and the remaining arguments are the arguments to *name* in the original function call. Slot reference Dylan first converts the slot reference to the corresponding function call. Dylan then calls the function *name* *-setter* just as it would have if the slot reference had been an explicit function call. Element reference Dylan first converts the element reference to the corresponding function call, using ``element`` or ``aref`` as the name of the function, as appropriate. Dylan then calls the function ``element-setter`` or ``aref-setter`` just as it would have if the element reference had been an explicit function call. Except for the order of evaluation and returned values, the following examples are equivalent: .. code-block:: dylan *my-position*.distance := 3.0; distance(*my-position*) := 3.0; distance-setter(3.0, *my-position*); The first two examples return ``3.0``; the third returns whatever ``distance-setter`` returns. Usually, this value would be ``3.0``. Note that, if ``distance`` is the name of a slot’s getter, and if the slot is constant or has a setter with a name other than ``distance-setter``, then the assignment operation results in an error. Except for the order of evaluation and returned values, the following examples are equivalent: .. code-block:: dylan vertices[2] := list(3.5, 4.5); element(vertices, 2) := list(3.5, 4.5); element-setter(list(3.5, 4.5), vertices, 2); The function-calling protocol ----------------------------- We have seen that Dylan has two kinds of function: methods and generic functions. Both can be called; from the caller’s point of view, the two are called in the same way. When a generic function is called, Dylan selects one of its methods to execute, in a process called method dispatch. This section discusses the interaction between a function and that function’s caller, focusing on arguments, parameters, value declarations, and returned values. We discuss interactions between generic functions and their methods but do not describe the process of method dispatch. For information on method dispatch, see :ref:`offset-method-dispatch`; :ref:`multi-method-dispatch`; :ref:`classes-method-dispatch-nonclass-types`; and :ref:`inherit-mi-and-md`. Parameters, arguments, and return values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In Dylan, a function is called with zero or more *arguments*. The function can perform computations, which may have side effects. It then *returns* zero or more *values* to its caller. Each argument and each returned value is an object. A function has zero or more *parameters* that determine the number and types of arguments that the function takes. Following is a simplified description of what happens when a function is called (for a generic function, this description applies to the method that it invokes): #. An implicit *body* is entered. A body establishes the scope for all local variables bound inside the body. #. The parameters are matched with the arguments to the function. #. A local variable is created with the name of each parameter. #. Each parameter — that is, each local variable with the name of a parameter — is initialized, or bound, to one of the arguments. (In some cases, the parameter is bound to a list of arguments, or to a default value.) #. The code that makes up the actual body of the function is executed. A function can have a *value declaration* that determines the number and types of values the function returns. If there is no explicit declaration, a default declaration allows the function to return any number of values of any type. Following is a simplified description of what happens when a function returns (for a generic function, this description applies to the method that it invokes): #. The values returned by the last expression in the function’s implicit body are matched with the values declared in the value declaration. #. The function’s implicit body is exited, ending the scope of all local variables (including parameters) established in that body. #. The values specified by the value declaration are returned to the caller of the function. (Depending on the value declaration, the number of values returned to the function’s caller might be more or less than the number of values returned by the last expression in the function’s body.) Note these two important implications of the way that arguments are passed: - All bindings of arguments to parameters are local to the body of the function called. Assignment to a parameter inside the called function’s body does not affect any variables outside the body that have the same name. For example, consider these definitions: .. code-block:: dylan define method calling-function () let x = 1; let y = 2; format-out("In calling function, before call: x = %d, y = %d\n", x, y); called-function(x, y); format-out("In calling function, after call: x = %d, y = %d\n", x, y); end method calling-function; define method called-function (x, y) x := 3; y := 4; format-out("In called function, before return: x = %d, y = %d\n", x, y); end method called-function; A call to ``calling-function`` produces the following output:: In calling function, before call: x = 1, y = 2 In called function, before return: x = 3, y = 4 In calling function, after call: x = 1, y = 2 - Although *parameters* are local to a function, all *arguments* and *return values* are shared between a function and its caller. If an argument or return value is a *mutable* object — one that can be changed — then any changes that a function makes to that object are visible to its caller. Consider the following definitions: .. code-block:: dylan define class () slot test-slot, required-init-keyword: test-slot:; end class ; define method calling-function () let x = make(, test-slot: "before"); format-out("In calling function, before call: x.test-slot = %s\n", x.test-slot); called-function(x); format-out("In calling function, after call: x.test-slot = %s\n", x.test-slot); end method calling-function; define method called-function (x :: ) x.test-slot := "after"; format-out("In called function, before return: x.test-slot = %s\n", x.test-slot); end method called-function; Note here that we have redefined the ``calling-function`` method, and have defined a new ``called-function`` method, which we first defined in the previous example. Our new ``called-function`` method has one parameter, whereas the previous method had two. The parameter list of this new method is not compatible with that of the previous method, and, if we actually tried to define the second ``called-function`` method, Dylan would signal an error. For more information on compatibility of parameter lists for generic functions and methods, see `Parameter-list congruence`_. A call to ``calling-function`` now produces the following output:: In calling function, before call: x.test-slot = "before" In called function, before return: x.test-slot = "after" In calling function, after call: x.test-slot = "after" In this case, ``x`` in the calling function and ``x`` in the called function are different variables. But the *values* of both variables are the same object: the instance of ```` that we make in the calling function. The change to the slot value of this object that we make in the called function is visible to the calling function. It is equally proper to think of arguments that are *immutable*, like integers, as being shared between a function and its caller. By definition, however, a function cannot make any changes to such objects that are visible to the function’s caller. .. topic:: Comparison with C and C++: As in Dylan, the parameters of a C function are local to the body of the function, and assignment to a parameter does not affect the value of a variable that has the same name in the function’s caller. But the relationship between *objects* and *values* is not the same in C and in Dylan. In C, a value can be an object (roughly meaning the contents of the object) or a *pointer* to an object (roughly meaning the location of the object in memory). The value of a parameter in C is always a copy of the corresponding argument. When a C structure is an argument to a function, the value of the corresponding parameter is a copy of the structure; it is not the structure itself. If the function changes the value of a member of this structure, the change is not visible to the caller, because the function is changing only its own copy of the structure. But if the argument is a pointer to a structure, the function can gain access to the caller’s structure (by *dereferencing* the pointer). If the function changes the value of a member of such a structure by dereferencing the pointer, the change is visible to the caller. In Dylan, a value is always an object, which has a unique identity. The value of a parameter is always the same object as the corresponding argument. When a function changes such an object (as by changing the value of a slot), the change is always visible to the caller. Dylan has no equivalent to C pointers. In C++, a parameter declared using ordinary C syntax also receives a copy of a structure or an instance that is the corresponding argument. C++ has additional syntax for declaring that a parameter is a *reference* — essentially an implicit pointer — to the corresponding argument. In this case the argument is not copied, and if the function changes the object that the parameter refers to, the changes are visible to the caller. In some ways Dylan’s argument-passing protocol is similar to C++ references. In both C and C++, array arguments are always passed as pointers. In Dylan, arrays are instances of the ```` class, and array arguments are treated like all other arguments. For more comparisons between Dylan and C objects, see :doc:`c-comparisons`. Return and reception of multiple values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Dylan function call — and, in general, a Dylan expression — can return any number of values, including none. The ``values`` function is the means of returning multiple values. This function takes zero or more arguments, and returns them as separate values. Multiple values can be received as the initial values of local variables in a ``let`` declaration. If a ``let`` declaration contains multiple variables, they are matched with the values returned by the initialization expression, and each variable is bound to the corresponding value. The following example initializes ``a`` to ``1`` and ``b`` to ``2``: .. code-block:: dylan let (a, b) = values(1, 2); The following example initializes ``ans`` to ``2`` and ``rem`` to ``1`` — the two values returned by this call to ``truncate/``: .. code-block:: dylan let (ans, rem) = truncate/(5, 2); The variable list can also end with ``#rest`` followed by the name of a variable. In this case, the variable is initialized to a sequence. This sequence contains all the remaining values returned by the initialization expression. If there is no ``#rest``, any excess values are discarded. If the number of variables in the ``let`` declaration is greater than the number of values returned, the remaining variables are initialized to ``#f``. (But if the ``let`` declaration specifies a type for any of these variables, and if ``#f`` is not an instance of that type, then Dylan signals an error.) Module variables and constants can also be initialized to multiple values. The variable list of a ``define variable`` or ``define constant`` definition can contain multiple variables, and can receive multiple values from its initialization expression in the same way as a ``let`` declaration. .. _func-parameter-lists: Parameter lists ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A function’s parameter list is specified in the function definition. (If Dylan implicitly defines a function, such as the getter and setter functions for a slot, Dylan also defines the parameter list for that function.) In a function definition, the parameter list follows the function name and consists of zero or more parameter specifications, separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses. A parameter list can have three kinds of parameters: #. *Required parameters* specify required arguments, or arguments that must be supplied when the function is called. All required parameters appear before other kinds of parameters in the parameter list. #. A function can have at most one *rest parameter*, which allows the function to accept a variable number of arguments. The rest parameter is identified in the parameter list by ``#rest`` followed by the name of the parameter. When the function is called, all arguments that follow the required arguments are put into a sequence. This sequence is the initial value of the rest parameter in the function body. #. *Keyword parameters* specify optional keyword arguments. In the parameter list, keyword parameters are identified by ``#key`` followed by the names of the parameters (and possibly by other information). Keyword parameters must follow all required parameters and the rest parameter (if any). When the function is called, the caller can supply any or none of the specified keyword arguments, in any order, after supplying all required arguments. The caller supplies each keyword argument as a symbol (usually in the form of the parameter name followed by a colon), followed by the argument value. This argument is the initial value of the corresponding keyword parameter in the function body. The specification for each parameter in the parameter list includes the name of the parameter. In addition, a required parameter (or, for a method, a keyword parameter) can be *specialized* to correspond to an argument of a given type. The type specializer follows the parameter name and is identified by ``::`` followed by a type. When the function is called, the argument that corresponds to the parameter must be of the specified type, or Dylan signals an error. The default argument type is ````. The specification for a keyword parameter can have two additional pieces of information: #. It may include a keyword for the caller to use in its argument list, if this keyword must be different from the parameter name. The keyword precedes the parameter name in the parameter list. #. It may include a default value for the keyword argument, which is used if the caller does not supply that argument. The default expression appears at the end of the parameter specification, followed by ``=``. If no default expression is supplied and the caller does not supply the keyword argument, the argument’s value is ``#f``. The following example shows how we could use a rest parameter to implement a function to sum an arbitrary number of values: .. code-block:: dylan // Sum one or more values define method sum (value, #rest more-values) for (next in more-values) value := value + next; end for; value; end method sum; .. code-block:: dylan-console ? sum(3); => 3 ? sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); => 15 In the preceding example, the ``for`` iteration statement performs the addition once for every element of ``more-values``. The following example shows how we could use keyword parameters in defining a method similar to ``encode-total-seconds``: .. code-block:: dylan // Convert days, hours, minutes, and seconds to seconds. // Named (keyword) arguments are optional define method convert-to-seconds (#key hours :: = 0, minutes :: = 0, seconds :: = 0) => (seconds :: ) ((hours * 60) + minutes) * 60 + seconds; end method convert-to-seconds; .. code-block:: dylan-console ? convert-to-seconds(minutes: 3, seconds: 9); => 189 ? convert-to-seconds(minutes: 1, hours: 2); => 7260 Note from the preceding example that we can supply keyword arguments in any order. Note also that all keyword arguments are optional; however, if we try to call a function with a keyword argument that the function does not accept — such as ``days:``, in this example — Dylan signals an error. For more information on function calls and keyword arguments, see `Keyword-argument checking`_. Following are additional features and restrictions of keyword arguments: - If a parameter list ends with ``#all-keys`` following ``#key``, the function accepts (but ignores) any keyword argument. A parameter list can have specific keyword parameters and also end with ``#all-keys``. In this case, the function accepts any keyword argument, and also has local variables whose values are the keyword-argument values (or their defaults) that correspond to the keyword parameters. - If the parameter list of a method contains both ``#rest`` and ``#key``, the sequence that is the value of the rest parameter contains alternating symbols and argument values representing the keyword arguments passed to the function. In this case, *all* optional arguments must be keyword arguments. A generic function’s parameter list can have either ``#rest`` or ``#key``, but cannot have both. - Keyword parameters for a generic function cannot be specialized. The restrictions on a generic function’s parameter list have to do with parameter-list congruency and keyword-argument checking in generic function calls. For more information, see Sections `Parameter-list congruence`_ and `Keyword-argument checking`_. .. _func-value-declarations: Value declarations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A function definition’s value declaration follows the parameter list and is preceded by ``=>``. The syntax of a value declaration is similar to that of a parameter list. If the function returns no values, the value declaration is an empty set of parentheses. Otherwise, the declaration can contain separate declarations for all returned values, separated by commas. Each of these individual declarations consists of a name and, optionally, ``::`` followed by a type. The name does not specify a variable and has no use other than documentation. But the returned value that corresponds to the declaration must be of the declared type, or Dylan signals an error. The default return value type is ````. A value declaration can also end with ``#rest`` followed by a name and, optionally, ``::`` and a type. This declaration indicates that the function can return any number of additional arguments, each of which must be of the specified type. If a function has no explicit value declaration, the default declaration is ``(#rest x :: )``. This declaration indicates that the function can return any number of arguments of any type. The value declaration determines the number and types of values that the function returns, even if the last expression in the function’s body returns a different number of values. If the function’s body returns fewer values than are declared, the function defaults the remaining values to ``#f`` and returns them. (But if the value declaration specifies a type for any of these values, and if ``#f`` is not an instance of that type, Dylan signals an error.) If the function’s body returns more values than are declared, the function returns the additional values if the declaration contains ``#rest``; otherwise, the function discards the additional values. .. _func-parameter-list-congruence: Parameter-list congruence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A generic function and its methods must all have parameter lists that are compatible, or *congruent*. Following are the basic rules: - A generic function and its methods must all have the same number of required arguments. - The type of any given parameter in each method must be a subtype of the corresponding parameter in the generic function. - If a generic function or any of its methods has only required arguments — that is, it has neither ``#rest`` nor ``#key`` in its parameter list — then the generic function and all its methods must have only required arguments. - If a generic function or any of its methods accepts a variable number of arguments, but does not accept keyword arguments — that is, it has ``#rest``, but does not have ``#key``, in its parameter list — then the generic function and all its methods must accept a variable number of arguments, but must not accept keyword arguments. - If a generic function or any of its methods accepts keyword arguments — that is, it has ``#key`` in its parameter list — then the generic function and all its methods must accept keyword arguments. For this rule, a generic function or method “accepts keyword arguments” even if its parameter list ends with just ``#key``. - If a generic function has any specific keyword parameters, then all its methods must have (at least) those specific keyword parameters. The appearance of ``#all-keys`` in a method’s parameter list does not satisfy this requirement. The following parameter lists are congruent, because both functions have only required arguments, they have the same number of required arguments, and the type of each method parameter is a subtype of the same parameter in the generic function: .. code-block:: dylan define generic g (arg1 :: , arg2 :: ); define method g (arg1 :: , arg2 :: ) ... end method g; The following parameter lists are congruent, because both functions meet the tests for required arguments, both accept keyword arguments, and the generic function has no specific keyword parameters: .. code-block:: dylan define generic g (arg1 :: , #key); define method g (arg1 :: , #key base :: = 10) ... end method g; The following parameter lists are not congruent, because the method’s parameter list does not include the specific keyword *base* of the generic function, even though it does include ``#all-keys``: .. code-block:: dylan define generic g (arg1 :: , #key base); define method g (arg1 :: , #key #all-keys) ... end method g; Return-value congruence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like parameter lists, the value declarations of a generic function and that function’s methods must be congruent. The rules depend on whether the generic function returns a fixed or a variable number of values: - If the generic function returns a fixed number of values — that is, it does not have ``#rest`` in its value declaration — then its methods cannot have ``#rest``, and must return the same number of required values as the generic function. For each method, the type of each returned value must be a subtype of the same returned value in the generic function. - If the generic function returns a variable number of values — that is, it has ``#rest`` in its value declaration — then its methods can (but are not required to) have ``#rest``, and must return at least as many required values as the generic function. For each method, the type of each returned value must be a subtype of the same returned value in the generic function. If the method has more required returned values than the generic function, their types must all be subtypes of the generic function’s ``#rest`` value. The following value declarations are congruent, because the generic function implicitly returns any number of values of any type: .. code-block:: dylan define generic g (arg1 :: , arg2 :: ); define method g (arg1 :: , arg2 :: ) => (result :: ) ... end method g; The following value declarations are not congruent, because the type of the method’s returned value is not a subtype of the generic function’s returned value: .. code-block:: dylan define generic g (arg1 :: , arg2 :: ) => (result :: ); define method g (arg1 :: , arg2 :: ) => (result :: ) ... end method g; Keyword-argument checking ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When a function is called, Dylan determines which keyword arguments, if any, are permitted for that function call. The set of permitted keyword arguments depends on whether or not a generic function is being called: - If a method is called directly, rather than through a generic function, the specific keywords in the method’s parameter list are permitted. If the parameter list includes ``#all-keys``, any keyword argument is permitted. - If a generic function is called, all the specific keywords in the parameter lists of all *applicable* methods are permitted. If the parameter list of the generic function or of *any* applicable method includes ``#all-keys``, any keyword argument is permitted. When a generic function is called, one of its methods is *applicable* if every required argument is an instance of the type of the corresponding parameter of the method. For more information on applicable methods, see :ref:`offset-method-dispatch`. Consider the following definitions: .. code-block:: dylan define generic g (arg1 :: , #key); // Method 1 define method g (arg1 :: , #key real-key) ... end method g; // Method 2 define method g (arg1 :: , #key float-key) ... end method g; // Method 3 define method g (arg1 :: , #key integer-key) ... end method g; Now, if we call the generic function ``g`` with an instance of ````, we can supply the keyword arguments ``real-key:`` and ``float-key:``, because the methods that have those keyword parameters are both applicable. If we call ``g`` with an instance of ````, we can supply the keyword arguments ``real-key:`` and ``integer-key:``. Suppose that, in this same example, we call the generic function ``g`` with an instance of ````, and supply the keyword arguments ``real-key:`` and ``float-key:``. Method 2 is most specific, and is called as a result of Dylan’s method dispatch. But method 2 does not have a ``real-key:`` parameter. If we were calling this method directly, Dylan would signal an error. In this case, method 2 simply ignores the ``real-key:`` argument, because Dylan checks keyword arguments for a generic function call as a whole, rather than for a particular method chosen as a result of method dispatch. There is an important subtlety of keyword-parameter specifications to note in this example. Because of the rules for parameter-list congruence, the generic function and all its methods must accept keyword arguments — that is, they must all have ``#key`` in their parameter lists. Notice that we terminated the generic function’s parameter list with ``#key``. This use indicates that the generic function permits — but does not require — individual methods to specify keyword parameters. Suppose that we had instead terminated the generic function’s parameter list with ``#key, #all-keys``. This use also would have permitted, but would not have required, individual methods to specify keyword parameters. But it also would have allowed a caller of the generic function to supply ``any`` keyword argument. In the earlier example, only a small set of keyword arguments was permitted, and the members of the set varied with the applicable methods. In general, when you define a generic function or a method that accepts keyword arguments, it is advisable not to specify ``#all-keys`` unnecessarily, because doing so defeats Dylan’s keyword-argument checking. If a method needs to accept keyword arguments because of the rules of parameter-list congruence, but does not need to recognize any keywords itself, you should terminate its parameter list with ``#key``. .. _func-functions-as-objects: Functions as objects -------------------- In Dylan, all functions are objects. A function can be the value of a variable, an argument to another function, or a value returned by a function. In fact, Dylan provides a number of operations on functions, including operations to compose new functions from existing functions. Types of functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All functions are instances of the class ````. Dylan has two built-in instantiable subclasses of ````: ```` and ````. Both methods and generic functions can be called in the same way. As we have seen, a generic function can contain zero or more methods. If a generic function is called, it must have at least one applicable method or Dylan signals an error. Creation of generic functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can create a generic function in the following ways: - You can create one explicitly by ``define generic``. - You can create one explicitly by calling ``make`` on the ```` class. You rarely need to create a generic function this way. - You can create one implicitly by ``define method``. If the generic function named by this definition does not yet exist, Dylan creates it. - You can create one implicitly by defining a slot in ``define class``. If a getter generic function for the slot does not yet exist, Dylan creates it. - You can create one implicitly by defining a slot (other than a constant slot) in ``define class``. If a setter generic function for the slot does not yet exist, Dylan creates it. Each of these procedures, except a call to ``make``, defines a module constant whose value is the generic function created. When Dylan creates a generic function implicitly, it creates a parameter list and a value declaration for the generic function that are designed to restrict the addition of subsequent methods to the generic function as little as possible. All required arguments to the generic function have type specializers of ````, and the generic function can return any number of values of any type. The generic function’s parameter list is congruent with that of the method being defined. If the generic function accepts keyword arguments, the parameter list ends with ``#key``. Creation of methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can create a method in the following ways: - You can create one explicitly by ``define method``. This definition also adds the method to a generic function, creating the generic function if the latter does not already exist. - You can create one explicitly by a ``method`` statement. This statement does not add the method to a generic function. - You can create one explicitly by a ``local method`` declaration. This declaration creates one or more methods, and assigns each to a local variable such that the binding is visible to all other methods defined in the same ``local`` declaration. This declaration does not add the method to a generic function. - You can create one implicitly by defining a slot (other than a virtual slot) in ``define class``. Dylan defines a getter method for the slot, and adds it to a generic function, creating the generic function if that function does not already exist. - You can create one implicitly by defining a slot (other than a virtual or a constant slot) in ``define class``. Dylan defines a setter method for the slot, and adds it to a generic function, creating the generic function if that function does not already exist. Creating a method by using ``method`` is useful when the method does not need to be part of a generic function. For instance, various Dylan functions take as arguments other functions that act as predicates, or test functions. One of these is ``choose``, which selects members of a sequence that satisfy a test function, and returns those members as a new sequence. We might pick all the strings out of a mixed sequence as follows: .. code-block:: dylan define method choose-strings (sequence :: ) => (new-seq :: ) // choose takes two arguments: a function and a sequence choose(method (object) instance?(object, ) end method, sequence); end method choose-strings; Creating a method by using ``local method`` is useful for a method that does not need to be part of a generic function, but does need to be given a name so that it can call itself recursively, or so that other code in the enclosing body can refer to it. For an example, see :ref:`collect-recursive-list-copier`. Application of a function to arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Dylan function ``apply`` takes as arguments a function and one or more additional arguments, the final one of which must be a sequence. The ``apply`` function calls its first argument — the function — and passes that function the remaining arguments to ``apply``. But instead of passing its final argument as a sequence, it passes each element of the sequence as an individual argument. The ``apply`` function is perhaps most useful in the body of a function that receives a variable number of arguments and must pass those arguments to another function that also takes a variable number of arguments. For example, we can use ``apply`` to write a recursive version of the ``sum`` function that we defined iteratively in `Parameter lists`_: .. code-block:: dylan // Sum one or more values define method sum (value, #rest more-values) // If only one value, that is the answer if (empty?(more-values)) value; // Otherwise, add the first value to the sum of the rest else value + apply(sum, more-values); end if; end method sum; Operations on functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dylan has several functions that take functions as arguments, and return new functions that are transformations of those arguments. These operations permit many kinds of composition of functions and other objects to generate new functions. Three of these functions take predicates as arguments, and return the complement, disjunction, or conjunction of the predicates. For example, ``complement`` takes a predicate and returns the latter’s complement — a function that returns ``#t`` when the original predicate would have returned ``#f``, and otherwise returns ``#f``. .. index:: curry The ``curry`` function takes a function and any number of additional arguments. It returns a new function that applies the original function, first to the additional arguments to ``curry``, then to the arguments to the new function. In :ref:`collect-using-map-curry`, we call ``curry`` with ``*`` and a number to return a function that multiplies that function’s argument by the given number. We then map this new function over the elements of a vector to perform a scalar multiplication of the vector. In fact, Dylan has a set of functions that map other functions over the elements of collections in different ways. We used one of these, ``choose``, in `Creation of methods`_. Some of these functions return new collections; others return single values. For more examples, see :ref:`collect-iteration-over-sequence`. .. _func-closures: Closures ~~~~~~~~ This section describes closures — an advanced concept. If you do not understand or wish to study this section, you can safely skip it. Consider the following example: .. code-block:: dylan define method call-and-show (function :: , #rest arguments) format-out("The result is %=.\n", apply(function, arguments)); end method call-and-show; define method show-next (x :: ) call-and-show(method () x + 1 end method); end method show-next; When we execute this code, we get the expected result: .. code-block:: dylan-console ? show-next(41); => The result is 42. But why did we get that result? We created an anonymous method in ``show-next``, and passed that anonymous method into a completely separate method (``call-and-show``), where ``x`` is not bound to anything. And yet, when the ``call-and-show`` method executed the anonymous method that we made, somehow the anonymous method could still access the ``x`` binding. We got this reasonable result because the ``method`` statement can create a special kind of method called a closure. Recall that Dylan has two kinds of variable: module variables and local variables. A local variable is defined explicitly by a ``let`` or ``local`` declaration, and implicitly by a function call, when a method’s parameters are initialized to that method’s arguments. Local variables are defined within a limited *lexical scope* — that is, they *bind* a name to a value only within a particular textual portion of the program. This portion of the program is that part of the innermost body that follows the definition of the local variable. A ``method`` statement or a ``local`` declaration can define a method in a portion of a program where local variables are in effect. In the preceding example, we use a ``method`` statement to define a method inside the body of the ``show-next`` method, where the local variable ``x`` (the parameter for the ``show-next`` method) is bound to the argument to ``show-next``. The method that we define inside ``show-next`` refers to that local variable ``x``. In general, when a program exits a body, the local variables defined inside that body cease to be defined, and it is an error for the program to refer to those variables. But there is an exception. If we use ``method`` or ``local`` to define a method, and if we then execute that method outside the body in which we define it, the method can still refer to the local variables that were in effect when the method was defined. Such a method is called a closure. A *closure* is a method that *closes over* or captures local variables that are in effect when the method is defined and that are referred to in the body of the method. The closure created by the ``method`` statement in our example captures the local variable ``x``. So, even though the local variable ``x`` is not defined in the lexical scope of the ``call-and-show`` method, the closure called by ``call-and-show`` can access the captured binding of ``x``. For examples of closures as iteration or mapping functions for collections, see :ref:`collect-mapping-functions`, and :ref:`collect-using-map-curry`. Summary ------- In this chapter, we covered the following: - We described the syntax of Dylan function calls, including syntactic structures that are abbreviations for function calls. These syntactic structures include slot references, element references, and most operator calls. - We described how a function and its caller interact. In particular, we discussed the relations among arguments, parameters, value declarations, and returned values. - We discussed the kinds of parameters that a function can have (required, rest, and keyword). We then outlined the rules for congruent parameter lists and value declarations of a generic function and its methods. - We discussed ways of creating generic functions and methods, and of applying a function to arguments. - We outlined Dylan’s operations on functions. - We introduced the concept of closures.