*********************** The HTTP-COMMON library *********************** .. current-library:: http-common .. current-module:: http-common The HTTP-COMMON module ====================== .. constant:: $application-error .. constant:: $bad-gateway-error .. constant:: $bad-header-error .. constant:: $bad-request-error .. constant:: $conflict-error .. constant:: $content-length-required-error .. constant:: $default-cookie-version .. constant:: $expectation-failed-error .. constant:: $forbidden-error .. constant:: $found-redirect .. constant:: $gateway-timeout-error .. constant:: $gone-error .. constant:: $header-too-large-error .. constant:: $http-version-not-supported-error .. constant:: $internal-server-error .. constant:: $method-not-allowed-error .. constant:: $mime-wild .. constant:: $moved-permanently-redirect .. constant:: $moved-temporarily-redirect .. constant:: $not-acceptable-error .. constant:: $not-implemented-error .. constant:: $not-modified-redirect .. constant:: $payment-required-error .. constant:: $precondition-failed-error .. constant:: $proxy-authentication-required-error .. constant:: $request-entity-too-large-error .. constant:: $request-timeout-error .. constant:: $request-uri-too-long-error .. constant:: $requested-range-not-satisfiable-error .. constant:: $resource-not-found-error .. constant:: $see-other-redirect .. constant:: $service-unavailable-error .. constant:: $status-accepted .. constant:: $status-application-error .. constant:: $status-bad-gateway .. constant:: $status-bad-request .. constant:: $status-conflict .. constant:: $status-continue .. constant:: $status-created .. constant:: $status-expectation-failed .. constant:: $status-forbidden .. constant:: $status-found .. constant:: $status-gateway-timeout .. constant:: $status-gone .. constant:: $status-http-version-not-supported .. constant:: $status-internal-server-error .. constant:: $status-length-required .. constant:: $status-method-not-allowed .. constant:: $status-moved-permanently .. constant:: $status-multiple-choices .. constant:: $status-no-content .. constant:: $status-non-authoritative-information .. constant:: $status-not-acceptable .. constant:: $status-not-found .. constant:: $status-not-implemented .. constant:: $status-not-modified .. constant:: $status-ok .. constant:: $status-partial-content .. constant:: $status-payment-required .. constant:: $status-precondition-failed .. constant:: $status-proxy-authentication-required .. constant:: $status-request-entity-too-large .. constant:: $status-request-timeout .. constant:: $status-request-uri-too-long .. constant:: $status-requested-range-not-satisfiable .. constant:: $status-reset-content .. constant:: $status-see-other .. constant:: $status-service-unavailable .. constant:: $status-switching-protocols .. constant:: $status-temporary-redirect .. constant:: $status-unauthorized .. constant:: $status-unsupported-media-type .. constant:: $status-use-proxy .. constant:: $unauthorized-error .. constant:: $unsupported-media-type-error .. constant:: $use-proxy-redirect .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :open: :superclasses: :keyword attributes: .. class:: :superclasses: :keyword alist: :keyword value: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :open: :superclasses: :http-common-internals :keyword content: :keyword method: :keyword raw-url: :keyword url: :keyword version: .. class:: :open: :superclasses: :http-common-internals :keyword chunked: :keyword code: :keyword reason-phrase: :keyword request: .. class:: :open: :superclasses: :streams:io .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :open: :superclasses: :keyword duration: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :open: :superclasses: :dylan-extensions:dylan, .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :open: :superclasses: :keyword code: :keyword headers: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: , :mime:mime .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. class:: :superclasses: .. function:: application-error :signature: application-error (#key headers header-name header-value message) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key message: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: avalue-alist :signature: avalue-alist (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: avalue-value :signature: avalue-value (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: bad-gateway-error :signature: bad-gateway-error (#key headers header-name header-value) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: bad-header-error :signature: bad-header-error (#key headers header-name header-value message) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key message: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: bad-request-error :signature: bad-request-error (#key headers header-name header-value reason) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key reason: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: chunked-transfer-encoding? :signature: chunked-transfer-encoding? (headers) => (#rest results) :parameter headers: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: condition-class-for-status-code :signature: condition-class-for-status-code (code) => (class) :parameter code: An instance of ````. :value class: An instance of ````. .. function:: conflict-error :signature: conflict-error (#key headers header-name header-value) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: content-length :open: :signature: content-length (object) => (length) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value length: An instance of ``false-or()``. .. function:: content-length-required-error :signature: content-length-required-error (#key headers header-name header-value) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: cookie-comment :signature: cookie-comment (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: cookie-domain :signature: cookie-domain (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: cookie-max-age :signature: cookie-max-age (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: cookie-name :signature: cookie-name (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: cookie-path :signature: cookie-path (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: cookie-value :signature: cookie-value (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: cookie-version :signature: cookie-version (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: date-modified :open: :signature: date-modified (object) => (date) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value date: An instance of ``false-or()``. .. generic-function:: date-modified-setter :open: :signature: date-modified-setter (new-date object) => (new-date) :parameter new-date: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value new-date: An instance of ``false-or()``. .. function:: expectation-failed-error :signature: expectation-failed-error (#key headers header-name header-value) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: expired? :signature: expired? (thing) => (#rest results) :parameter thing: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: forbidden-error :signature: forbidden-error (#key headers header-name header-value) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: found-redirect :signature: found-redirect (#key headers header-name header-value location) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key location: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: gateway-timeout-error :signature: gateway-timeout-error (#key headers header-name header-value) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: get-attribute :signature: get-attribute (this key) => (value) :parameter this: An instance of ````. :parameter key: An instance of ````. :value value: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: get-header :open: :signature: get-header (object header-name #key parsed) => (header-value) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :parameter header-name: An instance of ````. :parameter #key parsed: An instance of ````. :value header-value: An instance of ````. .. function:: gone-error :signature: gone-error (#key headers header-name header-value) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: grow-header-buffer :signature: grow-header-buffer (old len) => (#rest results) :parameter old: An instance of ````. :parameter len: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: has-attribute? :signature: has-attribute? (this key) => (has-it?) :parameter this: An instance of ````. :parameter key: An instance of ````. :value has-it?: An instance of ````. .. function:: header-too-large-error :signature: header-too-large-error (#key headers header-name header-value max-size) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key max-size: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: http-error-headers :signature: http-error-headers (error) => (headers) :parameter error: An instance of ````. :value headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. .. generic-function:: http-error-message-no-code :signature: http-error-message-no-code (error) => (#rest results) :parameter error: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: http-status-code :signature: http-status-code (error) => (code) :parameter error: An instance of ````. :value code: An instance of ````. .. function:: http-version-not-supported-error :signature: http-version-not-supported-error (#key headers header-name header-value version) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key version: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: internal-server-error :signature: internal-server-error (#key headers header-name header-value) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: match-media-types :signature: match-media-types (type1 type2) => (#rest results) :parameter type1: An instance of ````. :parameter type2: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: media-type-exact? :signature: media-type-exact? (mr) => (#rest results) :parameter mr: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: media-type-level :signature: media-type-level (media-type) => (#rest results) :parameter media-type: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: media-type-more-specific? :signature: media-type-more-specific? (type1 type2) => (#rest results) :parameter type1: An instance of ````. :parameter type2: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: media-type-quality :signature: media-type-quality (media-type) => (#rest results) :parameter media-type: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: method-not-allowed-error :signature: method-not-allowed-error (#key headers header-name header-value request-method) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key request-method: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: moved-permanently-redirect :signature: moved-permanently-redirect (#key headers header-name header-value location) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key location: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: moved-temporarily-redirect :signature: moved-temporarily-redirect (#key headers header-name header-value location) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key location: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: not-acceptable-error :signature: not-acceptable-error (#key headers header-name header-value) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: not-implemented-error :signature: not-implemented-error (#key headers header-name header-value what) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key what: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: not-modified-redirect :signature: not-modified-redirect (#key headers header-name header-value) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: note-bytes-received :open: :signature: note-bytes-received (stream byte-count) => (#rest results) :parameter stream: An instance of ````. :parameter byte-count: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: parse-header-value :open: :signature: parse-header-value (field-name field-values) => (parsed-field-value) :parameter field-name: An instance of ````. :parameter field-values: An instance of ``:http-common-internals``. :value parsed-field-value: An instance of ````. .. function:: parse-http-date :signature: parse-http-date (str bpos epos) => (date) :parameter str: An instance of ````. :parameter bpos: An instance of ````. :parameter epos: An instance of ````. :value date: An instance of ``false-or()``. .. generic-function:: parsed-headers :signature: parsed-headers (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: payment-required-error :signature: payment-required-error (#key headers header-name header-value) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: precondition-failed-error :signature: precondition-failed-error (#key headers header-name header-value) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: proxy-authentication-required-error :signature: proxy-authentication-required-error (#key headers header-name header-value) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: quote-html :signature: quote-html (text #key stream) => (#rest results) :parameter text: An instance of ````. :parameter #key stream: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: raw-headers :signature: raw-headers (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: read-header-line :signature: read-header-line (stream buffer bpos peek-ch require-crlf?) => (buffer bpos epos peek-ch) :parameter stream: An instance of ``:common-extensions:common-dylan``. :parameter buffer: An instance of ````. :parameter bpos: An instance of ````. :parameter peek-ch: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter require-crlf?: An instance of ````. :value buffer: An instance of ````. :value bpos: An instance of ````. :value epos: An instance of ````. :value peek-ch: An instance of ``false-or()``. .. generic-function:: read-http-line :signature: read-http-line (stream) => (#rest results) :parameter stream: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: read-message-headers :signature: read-message-headers (stream #key buffer start headers require-crlf?) => (headers buffer epos) :parameter stream: An instance of ``:common-extensions:common-dylan``. :parameter #key buffer: An instance of ````. :parameter #key start: An instance of ````. :parameter #key headers: An instance of ````. :parameter #key require-crlf?: An instance of ````. :value headers: An instance of ````. :value buffer: An instance of ````. :value epos: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: remove-attribute :signature: remove-attribute (this key) => (#rest results) :parameter this: An instance of ````. :parameter key: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: request-content :signature: request-content (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: request-content-setter :signature: request-content-setter (value object) => (#rest results) :parameter value: An instance of ````. :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: request-entity-too-large-error :signature: request-entity-too-large-error (#key headers header-name header-value max-size) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key max-size: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: request-method :signature: request-method (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: request-method-setter :signature: request-method-setter (value object) => (#rest results) :parameter value: An instance of ````. :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: request-raw-url-string :signature: request-raw-url-string (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: request-raw-url-string-setter :signature: request-raw-url-string-setter (value object) => (#rest results) :parameter value: An instance of ````. :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: request-timeout-error :signature: request-timeout-error (#key headers header-name header-value seconds) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key seconds: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: request-uri-too-long-error :signature: request-uri-too-long-error (#key headers header-name header-value max-size) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key max-size: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: request-url :signature: request-url (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: request-url-setter :signature: request-url-setter (value object) => (#rest results) :parameter value: An instance of ````. :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: request-version :signature: request-version (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: request-version-setter :signature: request-version-setter (value object) => (#rest results) :parameter value: An instance of ````. :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: requested-range-not-satisfiable-error :signature: requested-range-not-satisfiable-error (#key headers header-name header-value) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: resource-not-found-error :signature: resource-not-found-error (#key headers header-name header-value url) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key url: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: response-chunked? :signature: response-chunked? (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: response-chunked?-setter :signature: response-chunked?-setter (value object) => (#rest results) :parameter value: An instance of ````. :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: response-code :signature: response-code (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: response-code-setter :signature: response-code-setter (value object) => (#rest results) :parameter value: An instance of ````. :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: response-reason-phrase :signature: response-reason-phrase (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: response-reason-phrase-setter :signature: response-reason-phrase-setter (value object) => (#rest results) :parameter value: An instance of ````. :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: response-request :signature: response-request (object) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: see-other-redirect :signature: see-other-redirect (#key headers header-name header-value location) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key location: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: service-unavailable-error :signature: service-unavailable-error (#key headers header-name header-value) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: set-attribute :signature: set-attribute (this key value) => (#rest results) :parameter this: An instance of ````. :parameter key: An instance of ````. :parameter value: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: set-header :open: :signature: set-header (object header value #key if-exists?) => (#rest results) :parameter object: An instance of ````. :parameter header: An instance of ````. :parameter value: An instance of ````. :parameter #key if-exists?: An instance of ``one-of(#"replace", #"append", #"ignore", #"error")``. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: token-end-position :signature: token-end-position (buf bpos epos) => (#rest results) :parameter buf: An instance of ````. :parameter bpos: An instance of ````. :parameter epos: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: unauthorized-error :signature: unauthorized-error (#key headers header-name header-value) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: unsupported-media-type-error :signature: unsupported-media-type-error (#key headers header-name header-value) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. function:: use-proxy-redirect :signature: use-proxy-redirect (#key headers header-name header-value location) => (#rest results) :parameter #key headers: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-name: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key header-value: An instance of ``false-or()``. :parameter #key location: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: validate-http-status-code :signature: validate-http-status-code (status-code) => (#rest results) :parameter status-code: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````. .. generic-function:: validate-http-version :signature: validate-http-version (version) => (#rest results) :parameter version: An instance of ````. :value #rest results: An instance of ````.