Object-oriented programming can lead to modular code. When you are experienced with an object-oriented programming style, you might be able to define classes and methods with the right modularity from the start. Novices, however — and even experienced object-oriented programmers who are attacking large problems — may find that they discover opportunities for sharing as they begin to implement classes and methods. The dynamic aspects of Dylan support an evolutionary approach to programming, so it is easy to continue to refine your implementation and to design as you go.
In this chapter, we show an evolutionary approach to programming, as we define classes that represent different kinds of positions. We start out with one approach, and gradually refine it to achieve greater modularity. We illustrate one new Dylan feature: abstract classes.
Starting in this chapter, and continuing throughout the rest of the
book, we take the approach of editing and compiling source code. Now and
then, we use a listener to call a function and show the function’s
output. Whenever we use a listener, we show the ?
Requirements of the position classes¶
To predict when an aircraft will arrive at the airport, we need to know the speed of the aircraft relative to the ground, and the distance the aircraft is from the airport. Thus, we need to represent the positions of objects, such as airports and aircraft, to compute distances.
We shall use two ways to express the position of an object. First, we use latitude and longitude to indicate the absolute position of the object. Second, we describe the position of the object relative to a second object. For example, a particular aircraft might be 200 miles west of a given airport. This kind of description is a relative position.
We shall define the classes <absolute-position>
. The slots of <absolute-position>
store information about the latitude or longitude of that position.
The slots of <relative-position>
will include a distance (such
as 200 miles), and a direction (such as south).
We need to provide say
methods for absolute and relative positions.
The following sample calls show the output that we want to achieve:
? say(*my-absolute-position*);
=> 42 degrees 19 minutes 34 seconds North latitude
=> 70 degrees 56 minutes 26 seconds West longitude
? say(*her-relative-position*);
=> 30 miles away at heading 90 degrees
Initial class definitions¶
We start with these simple, initial class definitions:
// Superclass of all position classes
define class <position> (<object>)
end class <position>;
define class <absolute-position> (<position>)
slot latitude;
slot longitude;
end class <absolute-position>;
define class <relative-position> (<position>)
slot distance;
slot angle;
end class <relative-position>;
These initial definitions show the inheritance relationships among the
classes, and the names of the slots show the information that the
classes must provide. At this point, we omit the type declarations of
the slots, which is equivalent to specifying the type <object>
. We
will fill in the implementation later, by deciding on the types of the
slots, and providing the say
Our requirements mention only <absolute-position>
, but we choose to define a superclass of both of
them, named <position>
Abstract classes¶
We intend that the <position>
class will not have direct instances.
Any position objects should be direct instances of <absolute-position>
and <relative-position>
. In Dylan, a class that is intended to be a
superclass and not to have direct instances is an abstract class. A
class that is intended to have direct instances is a concrete class.
By default, a user-defined class is concrete. To define an abstract
class, you declare it to be abstract in the define class
form. For
// Superclass of all position classes
define abstract class <position> (<object>)
end class <position>;
The <time>
class is another one that we intend to have no direct
instances, so we redefine it to be abstract:
define abstract class <time> (<object>)
slot total-seconds :: <integer>, init-keyword: total-seconds:;
end class <time>;
If we tried to make an instance of <position>
or <time>
now, make
would signal an error. For more information about abstract classes, see
Abstract, concrete, and instantiable classes.
Absolute position¶
The <absolute-position>
class represents latitude and longitude. One
way to represent latitude and longitude is with degrees, minutes,
seconds, and a direction. We can use the approach of combining degrees,
minutes, and seconds into a total-seconds slot as we did for <time>
We can also define a class that represents total seconds and a
direction, and call it <directed-angle>
define abstract class <directed-angle> (<object>)
slot total-seconds :: <integer>, init-keyword: total-seconds:;
slot direction :: <string>, init-keyword: direction:;
end class <directed-angle>;
We use the <directed-angle>
class in the definition of
define class <absolute-position> (<position>)
slot latitude :: <directed-angle>, init-keyword: latitude:;
slot longitude :: <directed-angle>, init-keyword: longitude:;
end class <absolute-position>;
We could define the say
method as follows:
define method say (position :: <absolute-position>) => ()
format-out("%d degrees %d minutes %d seconds %s latitude\n",
format-out("%d degrees %d minutes %d seconds %s longitude\n",
end method say;
The preceding method depends on decode-total-seconds
having a method
that is applicable to <directed-angle>
(the type of the objects
returned by position.latitude
and position.longtude
). We define
such a method in Meeting of angles and times.
The say
method on <absolute-position>
should not call
directly on the two instances of <directed-angle>
stored in the latitude and longitude slots. Instead, we can define
a say
method on <directed-angle>
, and can call it in the
method on <absolute-position>
define method say (angle :: <directed-angle>) => ()
let (degrees, minutes, seconds) = decode-total-seconds(angle);
format-out("%d degrees %d minutes %d seconds %s",
degrees, minutes, seconds, angle.direction);
end method say;
define method say (position :: <absolute-position>) => ()
format-out(" latitude\n");
format-out(" longitude\n");
end method say;
We defined the <directed-angle>
class to represent what latitude and
longitude have in common. It is useful to recognize that latitude and
longitude have differences as well as similarities. We represented
latitude and longitude by the names of slots in <absolute-position>
and their implementations as instances of <directed-angle>
. We can
elevate the visibility of latitude and longitude by providing classes
that represent each of them:
define class <latitude> (<directed-angle>)
end class <latitude>;
define class <longitude> (<directed-angle>)
end class <longitude>;
We redefine <absolute-position>
to use <latitude>
and <longitude>
define class <absolute-position> (<position>)
slot latitude :: <latitude>, init-keyword: latitude:;
slot longitude :: <longitude>, init-keyword: longitude:;
end class <absolute-position>;

Inheritance relationships among the position and angle classes. Abstract classes are shown in oblique typewriter font.¶
Inheritance relationships among the position and angle classes shows the inheritance relationships among the position and angle classes.
We define these new say
define method say (latitude :: <latitude>) => ()
format-out(" latitude\n");
end method say;
define method say (longitude :: <longitude>) => ()
format-out(" longitude\n");
end method say;
The calls to next-method
in the methods on <latitude>
will call the method on <directed-angle>
, shown
We redefine the say
method on <absolute-position>
define method say (position :: <absolute-position>) => ()
end method say;
Relative position¶
We define the <relative-position>
class as follows:
define class <relative-position> (<position>)
// distance is in miles
slot distance :: <single-float>, init-keyword: distance:;
slot angle :: <relative-angle>, init-keyword: angle:;
end class <relative-position>;
The distance
slot stores the distance to the other object, and the
slot stores the direction to the other object. Unfortunately,
the angle needed here is different from the <directed-angle>
because the <directed-angle>
class has a direction, such as south,
which is not needed for the angle of <relative-position>
We need to provide a class of angle without direction, which we can use
for the angle
slot of the <relative-position>
class). Therefore, we
define two new classes, and redefine <directed-angle>
// Superclass of all angle classes
define abstract class <angle> (<object>)
slot total-seconds :: <integer>, init-keyword: total-seconds:;
end class <angle>;
define class <relative-angle> (<angle>)
end class <relative-angle>;
define abstract class <directed-angle> (<angle>)
slot direction :: <string>, init-keyword: direction:;
end class <directed-angle>;
The <angle>
class looks remarkably similar to the <time>
defined earlier:
// Superclass of all angle classes
define abstract class <angle> (<object>)
slot total-seconds :: <integer>, init-keyword: total-seconds:;
end class <angle>;
// Superclass of all time classes
define abstract class <time> (<object>)
slot total-seconds :: <integer>, init-keyword: total-seconds:;
end class <time>;
We would like to call decode-total-seconds
on instances of <angle>
but currently the method is defined to work on <time>
. The next step
is to take advantage of the similarity between <angle>
and <time>
Meeting of angles and times¶
We can create a new superclass to combine times and angles. Sometimes,
the trickiest part of defining superclasses that model characteristics
shared by other classes is thinking of the right name for the
superclass. Here, we use <sixty-unit>
to name the class that has
that can be converted to either hours, minutes, and
seconds, or to degrees, minutes, and seconds. In the methods for
decoding and encoding total seconds, we use the name max-unit
to refer
to the unit that is hours for time, and degrees for positions.
define abstract class <sixty-unit> (<object>)
slot total-seconds :: <integer>, init-keyword: total-seconds:;
end class <sixty-unit>;
define method decode-total-seconds
(sixty-unit :: <sixty-unit>)
=> (max-unit :: <integer>, minutes :: <integer>, seconds :: <integer>)
end method decode-total-seconds;
define method encode-total-seconds
(max-unit :: <integer>, minutes :: <integer>, seconds :: <integer>)
=> (total-seconds :: <integer>)
((max-unit * 60) + minutes) * 60 + seconds;
end method encode-total-seconds;
We redefine the time and angle classes and methods to take advantage of
the new <sixty-unit>
define abstract class <time> (<sixty-unit>)
end class <time>;
define abstract class <angle> (<sixty-unit>)
end class <angle>;
define method say (angle :: <angle>) => ()
let (degrees, minutes, seconds) = decode-total-seconds(angle);
format-out("%d degrees %d minutes %d seconds",
degrees, minutes, seconds);
end method say;
// definition unchanged, repeated for completeness
define abstract class <directed-angle> (<angle>)
slot direction :: <string>, init-keyword: direction:;
end class <directed-angle>;
define method say (angle :: <directed-angle>) => ()
format-out(" %s", angle.direction);
end method say;
// definition unchanged, repeated for completeness
define class <relative-angle> (<angle>)
end class <relative-angle>;
// we need to show degrees for <relative-angle>, but do not need to show
// minutes and seconds,so we override the method on <angle>
define method say (angle :: <relative-angle>) => ()
format-out("%d degrees", decode-total-seconds(angle));
end method say;
define method say (position :: <relative-position>) => ()
format-out("%d miles away at heading ", position.distance);
end method say;
To see the complete library, and the test code that creates position
instances and calls say
on them, see A Simple Library.
Is-a relationships (inheritance) among classes
shows the inheritance relationships of the classes. When one class
inherits from another, the relationship is sometimes called the is-a
relationship. For example, a direct instance of <time-offset>
is a
as well, and it is a <sixty-unit>

Is-a relationships (inheritance) among classes, shown by arrows. Abstract classes are shown in oblique typewriter font.¶
The classes have another kind of relationship as well — one class can use another class as the type of a slot, in what is called the has-a relationship. Has-a relationships among classes shows both the inheritance relationships, and the relationships of one class using another class as the type of a slot.

Has-a relationships among classes, shown by dashed arrows.¶
Abstract, concrete, and instantiable classes¶
A class is either abstract or concrete. Abstract classes are intended to be superclasses. There are never any direct instances of an abstract class. All superclasses of an abstract class must also be abstract. Concrete classes are intended to have direct instances.
When you define a class with define class
, the result is a concrete
class. When you define a class with define abstract class
, the result
is an abstract class.
Instantiable classes¶
A class that can be used as the first argument to make
is an
instantiable class. All concrete classes are instantiable. When you
define an abstract class, Dylan does not provide a method for make
that enables you to create direct instances of that class. Thus, if you
call make
on an abstract class, you get an error.
Even though an abstract class does not have direct instances, it is
sometimes possible to use an abstract class as the first argument to
. In this case, the make
function creates and returns a direct
instance of a concrete subclass of the abstract class. In other words,
can return either a direct or an indirect instance of its first
To make it possible for an abstract class to be provided as the first
argument to make
, you define the abstract class, and define one or
more concrete subclasses of it. You then define a method for make
specializes its first parameter on the abstract class, and that returns
an instance of one of its concrete subclasses. To define make
you need to use the singleton
function to create a type whose only
instance is the class itself; see Nonclass Types. Definition of
methods is an advanced topic that we do not cover in this book.
What is the reason for enabling users to call make
on an abstract
class? This flexibility allows a program that needs a general kind of
object, represented by a superclass, to ask for an instance of the
superclass without specifying the direct class of the instance. For
example, a program might need to store data in a vector, but might not
be concerned about the specific implementation of the vector that it
uses. Such a program can create a vector by calling make
with the
argument <vector>
, and make
will create an instance of a concrete subclass.
The built-in <vector>
class is abstract, but is instantiable.
Design considerations for abstract classes¶
The built-in Dylan classes follow a design principle in which concrete classes do not inherit from other concrete classes, but rather inherit from abstract classes only. In other words, the branches of the tree are abstract classes, and the leaves of the tree are concrete classes. We follow that design principle in this book as well. Is-a relationships (inheritance) among classes shows our classes graphically; the branches of the tree (abstract classes) appear in oblique typewriter font, and the leaves (concrete classes) appear in bold typewriter font.
Abstract classes can fill two roles. First, they act as an interface.
For example, the <sixty-unit>
class is an interface. If an object is
of the <sixty-unit>
type, you can expect certain behaviors from that
object. Those behaviors are the generic functions that are specialized
on <sixty-unit>
, including decode-total-seconds
, and
Abstract classes can also act as a partial implementation, if they
define slots. The slots in an abstract class are useful for the classes
that inherit from that class. For example, the <sixty-unit>
defines the total-seconds
slot, which is useful for <time>
In this chapter, we covered the following:
A class can represent characteristics and behavior in common across other classes. For example, the
class represents the degrees-minutes-seconds aspects that are common to latitude and longitude. Also, the<sixty-unit>
class represents thetotal-seconds
that are common to<time>
.Classes can be used to represent differences between two similar kinds of objects. For example, the
classes are similar in that both classes inherit from<directed-angle>
, and neither class defines additional slots. However, by providing the two classes,<latitude>
, we make it possible to identify objects as being of type<latitude>
, and we make it possible to customize the behavior of operations on<latitude>
as needed.In many object-oriented libraries and programs, certain classes are not intended to have direct instances. You can define those classes as abstract classes to document their purpose.
When you have two related classes and both will have direct instances, it is good practice to define a third class to be the superclass of the two other classes. The superclass is abstract, and the other two classes are concrete. We used this style in the time classes, the angle classes, and the position classes. People can use the abstract superclasses, such as
, as the type of objects that can be any kind of position.In proper modularity, a method on a particular class should not depend on information that is private to second class. If someone changes the representation of the second class, the method could break. We showed an example of breaking this rule when one version of the
method on<absolute-position>
printed “latitude” and “longitude” after callingsay
on the directed angles stored in its two slots. The method on<absolute-position>
acted on the knowledge that the method on<directed-angle>
does not print “latitude” or “longitude.”
One of the challenges of modular design is for you to decide which attributes to generalize (by moving them up to higher, or more general, classes in the inheritance graph), and which attributes to specialize (by moving them down the inheritance graph into more specific classes). Another challenge is deciding when to split a class into multiple behaviors, and when to introduce more abstract classes to hold shared behavior. No computer language can make these decisions for you, but dynamic languages typically allow more freedom to explore these relationships. Generic functions and multimethods allow more freedom in defining behavior than does attaching a method to a single class.