Class Inheritance

In this chapter, we continue to develop the time library by defining another kind of time to represent time offsets, such as 2 hours ago, and 30 minutes from now. We find an opportunity to use inheritance to good advantage, so we redefine some classes and a method to take advantage of inheritance. We also show how to define a generic function explicitly.

The <time-offset> class and methods

In this section, we define a class to represent time offsets, and a method that describes a time offset. We start by defining the <time-offset> class:

// A relative time between -24:00 and +24:00
define class <time-offset> (<object>)
  slot total-seconds :: <integer>, init-keyword: total-seconds:;
end class <time-offset>;

Reasons for defining two similar classes

The <time-offset> class is similar to the <time-of-day> class. They both define a total-seconds slot. Why do we need to have two classes that are so similar?

  • A <time-of-day> is conceptually different from a <time-offset>. If the total-seconds slot of a <time-of-day> is 180, that means the time of day at 0:03 (that is, 3 minutes past midnight). If the total-seconds slot of a <time-offset> is 180, that means 3 minutes in the future. If you ask what time it is, the answer is a <time-of-day>. If you ask how long it takes to wash the dog, the answer is a <time-offset>.

  • A <time-offset> can represent time in the past by having a negative value of total-seconds. A <time-of-day>, in contrast, should not have a negative value of total-seconds. Later in this book, we provide methods that guarantee that the total-seconds slot of <time-of-day> instances is not negative; see Setter methods, and Initialize methods.

  • We need different methods for describing instances of <time-offset> and instances of <time-of-day>. The <time-of-day> method prints 8:30, and the <time-offset> method should print minus 8:30 or plus 8:30.

  • Eventually, we will need to be able to add a <time-of-day> to a <time-offset>. For example, we can add the <time-of-day> 9:03 to the <time-offset> 2:50 and get the <time-of-day> 11:53. We will also need to add two <time-offset> instances. For example, 2 minutes plus 8 minutes is equal to 10 minutes. But we cannot add two <time-of-day> instances, because it does not make sense to add three o’clock to four o’clock.

Creation of instances of <time-offset>

We can create an instance of <time-offset> representing 15:20:10 in the future:

? define variable *my-time-offset* :: <time-offset>
 = make(<time-offset>, total-seconds: encode-total-seconds(15, 20, 10));

We can create an instance of <time-offset> representing 6:45:30 in the past, by using the unary minus function, -, which returns the negative of the value that follows it:

? define variable *your-time-offset* :: <time-offset>
   = make(<time-offset>, total-seconds: - encode-total-seconds(6, 45,

Methods on <time-offset>

Because a <time-offset> can represent future time or past time, it will be useful to provide a convenient way to determine whether a <time-offset> is in the past. We define a new predicate named past? as follows:

define method past? (time :: <time-offset>) => (past? :: <boolean>) < 0;
end method past?;

The past? method returns an instance of <boolean>, which is #t if the time offset is in the past, and otherwise is #f. Here is an example:

? past?(*my-time-offset*)
=> #f

? past?(*your-time-offset*)
=> #t

We need a method to describe instances of <time-offset>. The output should look like this:

? say-time-offset(*my-time-offset*);
=> plus 15:20

? say-time-offset(*your-time-offset*);
=> minus 6:45

We might define the method in this way:

define method say-time-offset (time :: <time-offset>) => ()
  let (hours, minutes) = decode-total-seconds(time);
  format-out("%s %d:%s%d",
             if (past?(time)) "minus" else "plus" end,
             if (minutes < 10) "0" else "" end,
end method say-time-offset;

If we test this method in a listener, however, the result is different:

? say-time-offset(*my-time-offset*);
=> ERROR: No applicable method for decode-total-seconds with argument
=>   {instance <time-offset>}

“No applicable method” means that there is no method for this generic function that is appropriate for the arguments. To understand this error, we can look at the methods for decode-total-seconds in Second method for decode-total-seconds. One method takes an argument of the type <integer>. Another method takes an argument of the type <time-of-day>. There is no method for instances of <time-offset>, so Dylan signals an error. There are three possible approaches to solving this problem.

As a first approach, we could define the say-time-offset method to call decode-total-seconds with an integer.

1 // First approach: Call decode-total-seconds with an integer
2 define method say-time-offset (time :: <time-offset>) => ()
3   let (hours, minutes) = decode-total-seconds(abs(;
4   format-out("%s %d:%s%d",
5              if (past?(time)) "minus" else "plus" end,
6              hours,
7              if (minutes < 10) "0" else "" end,
8              minutes);
9 end method say-time-offset;

We changed only the call to decode-total-seconds on line 3. Here, we call it with the absolute value (returned by the abs function) of the total-seconds slot.

This approach works, but it is awkward because we need to remember what kinds of arguments decode-total-seconds can take. The convenient calling syntax that we introduced for calling decode-total-seconds with an instance of <time-of-day> is not available for other kinds of time.

As a second approach, we could to define a third method for decode-total-seconds that takes as its argument an instance of <time-offset>:

// Second approach: Define a method on <time-offset>
define method decode-total-seconds (time :: <time-offset>) => ()
end method decode-total-seconds;

The method for say-time-offset can then call decode-total-seconds, as we did in the first place:

define method say-time-offset (time :: <time-offset>) => ()
  let (hours, minutes) = decode-total-seconds(time);
  format-out("%s %d:%s%d",
             if (past?(time)) "minus" else "plus" end,
             if (minutes < 10) "0" else "" end,
end method say-time-offset;

This approach works, and it preserves the flexibility of calling decode-total-seconds on instances of <integer>, <time-of-day>, and <time-offset>. However, the body of the method on <time-offset> (defined in this section) is nearly identical to the body of the method on <time-of-day> (defined in Second method for decode-total-seconds). The only difference is that we use abs in the method on <time-offset> but not in the method on <time-of-day>. If we used it in the method on <time-of-day>, it would be harmless. Duplication of code is ugly, adds maintenance overhead, and is particularly undesirable when programming in an object-oriented language, where it may indicate a flaw in the overall design.

The best solution to the problem lies in a third approach — to rethink the classes and methods in a more object-oriented style, using inheritance. We show this solution in the next section.

Class inheritance

We have defined two simple classes, <time-of-day> and <time-offset>. We repeat the definitions here:

// A specific time of day from 00:00 (midnight) to before 24:00 (tomorrow)
define class <time-of-day> (<object>)
  slot total-seconds :: <integer>, init-keyword: total-seconds:;
end class <time-of-day>;

// A relative time between -24:00 and +24:00
define class <time-offset> (<object>)
  slot total-seconds :: <integer>, init-keyword: total-seconds:;
end class <time-offset>;

There is commonality between the two classes:

  • Both classes represent a kind of time — they have a conceptual basis in common.

  • Both classes have a total-seconds slot — they have structure in common.

  • Both classes need a decode-total-seconds method to convert the total-seconds slot to hours, minutes, and seconds — they have behavior in common.

We can use inheritance to model the shared aspects of these two classes directly. We need to define a new class, such as <time>, and to redefine the two classes to inherit from <time>. The <time> class will contain the slot total-seconds, and the other two classes will inherit that slot. We shall redefine the decode-total-seconds method such that its parameter is of the <time> type, which means that it can be called for instances of <time-of-day> and of <time-offset>.

New definitions of the time classes

We define the new class <time>:

define class <time> (<object>)
  slot total-seconds :: <integer>, init-keyword: total-seconds:;
end class <time>;

We redefine <time-of-day> and <time-offset> to inherit from <time>:

// A specific time of day from 00:00 (midnight) to before 24:00 (tomorrow)
define class <time-of-day> (<time>)
end class <time-of-day>;

// A relative time between -24:00 and +24:00
define class <time-offset> (<time>)
end class <time-offset>;

Slot inheritance

A class inherits the slots of its superclasses, and can define more slots if they are needed. For example, the <time-of-day> and <time-offset> classes inherit the total-seconds slot from their superclass, <time>. A class inherits the slot options from its superclasses as well. A class cannot remove or replace any slots defined by its superclasses. It is an error for a class to define a slot with the same name as a slot inherited from one of that class’s superclasses.

Existing instances of the classes

The variables *my-time-of-day*, *your-time-of-day*, *my-time-offset*, and *your-time-offset* all contain instances of classes that have now been redefined. Some environments might be able to update instances of the old class definitions to conform to the new class definitions, but we will be conservative and assume that our environment does not update instances. Therefore, we create the instances again:

? *my-time-offset*
 := make(<time-offset>, total-seconds: encode-total-seconds(15, 20, 10));

? *your-time-offset*
 := make(<time-offset>, total-seconds: - encode-total-seconds(6, 45, 30));

? *my-time-of-day* := make(<time-of-day>, total-seconds: 120);

? *your-time-of-day*
 := make(<time-of-day>, total-seconds: encode-total-seconds(8, 30, 59));

Relationships of the time classes

It is helpful to look at the relationships among the time classes. We show them in Inheritance relationships of the time classes..

Referring to Inheritance relationships of the time classes., we introduce terminology by example:

  • The <time-of-day> class is a direct subclass of the <time> class.

  • The <time-of-day> class is a subclass of the <object> class.

  • The <time> class is a direct superclass of the <time-of-day> class.

  • The <object> class is a superclass of the <time-of-day> class.

  • When you make an instance of the <time-of-day> class, the result is a direct instance of that class.


Inheritance relationships of the time classes.

  • A direct instance of <time-of-day> is an indirect instance of <time> and <object>.

  • An object is a general instance of a class if it is either a direct or an indirect instance of that class. The term instance is equivalent to general instance. A direct instance of <time-of-day> is both a general instance and an instance of <time-of-day>, <time>, and <object>.

  • The <time-of-day> class is a subtype of the <time> and <object> classes. A class is also a subtype of itself. All classes are types.

  • The <object> class is a supertype of all the other classes shown. All classes are subtypes of the <object> class. All objects are instances of the <object> class.

Methods for classes that use inheritance

Existing methods for decode-total-seconds shows the methods that we now have defined for the decode-total-seconds generic function; Desired methods for decode-total-seconds shows the methods that we want to have.

Existing methods for decode-total-seconds:

// Method on <integer>
define method decode-total-seconds
    (total-seconds :: <integer>)
 => (hours :: <integer>, minutes :: <integer>, seconds :: <integer>)
  let (total-minutes, seconds) = truncate/(total-seconds, 60);
  let (hours, minutes) = truncate/(total-minutes, 60);
  values(hours, minutes, seconds);
end method decode-total-seconds;

// Method on <time-of-day>
define method decode-total-seconds
    (time :: <time-of-day>)
 => (hours :: <integer>, minutes :: <integer>, seconds :: <integer>)
end method decode-total-seconds;

Desired methods for decode-total-seconds:

// Method on <integer>
define method decode-total-seconds
    (total-seconds :: <integer>)
 => (hours :: <integer>, minutes :: <integer>, seconds :: <integer>)
  let (total-minutes, seconds) = truncate/(total-seconds, 60);
  let (hours, minutes) = truncate/(total-minutes, 60);
  values(hours, minutes, seconds);
end method decode-total-seconds;

// Method on <time>
define method decode-total-seconds
    (time :: <time>)
 => (hours :: <integer>, minutes :: <integer>, seconds :: <integer>)
end method decode-total-seconds;

To take advantage of the redefined classes, we want to remove the method on <time-of-day>, and to add a method on <time>. The method on <time> is appropriate for instances of both <time-of-day> and <time-offset>.

There are two important points to cover. We first discuss how to remove the method on <time-of-day> and how to add the method on <time> in Redefinition of a method. We then describe how the decode-total-seconds generic function works in Method dispatch.

Redefinition of a method

It is important to understand that when you define a method, Dylan will do one of the following:

  • Add that method to the generic function (without affecting existing methods), if the parameter list of the new method is different from the parameter lists of all the existing methods.

  • Redefine an existing method of the generic function, if the parameter list of the new method is equivalent to the parameter list of one of the existing methods. (Although the concept of redefinition is not in the Dylan language, most Dylan development environments support redefinition.)

Two parameter lists are equivalent if the types of each required parameter are the same. A parameter with no type is the same as a parameter whose type is <object>. For example, the following parameter lists are equivalent:

(a :: <string>, b :: <integer>, c)
(str :: <string>, num :: <integer>, any-old-thing :: <object>)

Assume that we are working in a listener, and already have defined the methods shown in Existing methods for decode-total-seconds. Consider what happens when we define the method on <time>. The parameter list of the new method is not equivalent to the parameter list of any of the existing methods, so the new method is added to the generic function. Thus, decode-total-seconds has three methods: a method on <integer>, a method on <time-of-day>, and a method on <time>. The environment may offer a way to remove a method from a generic function. When we remove the definition of the method on <time-of-day> using the environment, the decode-total-seconds generic function contains only the desired methods, as shown in Desired methods for decode-total-seconds. A typical browser will help you to find the methods to remove.

If, however, we are working in source files rather than in a listener, we simply need to remove the method on <time-of-day> with the editor, and to type in the method on <time>. When we next compile the file, the generic function will contain only the desired methods, as shown in Desired methods for decode-total-seconds.

We can now call decode-total-seconds on instances of <time-of-day> and on instances of <time-offset>:

? decode-total-seconds(*your-time-of-day*);
=> 8
=> 30
=> 59

? decode-total-seconds(*your-time-offset*);
=> 6
=> 45
=> 30

The result is as expected — decode-total-seconds returns the hours, minutes, and seconds. We now describe how this generic function works.

Method dispatch

When a generic function is called, it chooses the most specific applicable method and calls that method. The process of choosing the most specific method and calling it is method dispatch. This process has three steps:

  1. Find all the applicable methods for the argument to the generic function.

  2. Sort the applicable methods by specificity.

  3. Call the most specific method.

Dylan does the method dispatch automatically, but it is important that you understand the semantics of the method dispatch. When you understand how Dylan determines the applicability of methods and how it sorts them by specificity, you can design classes and methods that work together correctly. Method dispatch is at the heart of object-oriented programming.

Step 1: Find the applicable methods

Start with the set of methods defined for the generic function that was called. A method is specialized on a required parameter that has a type constraints. The type constraint of the required parameter is called the parameter specializer of the parameter. A method is applicable if the argument to the generic function is an instance of the parameter specializer of the method.

For example, consider the decode-total-seconds generic function. Applicable methods for arguments to decode-total-seconds. shows which method is applicable for certain arguments.

Applicable methods for arguments to decode-total-seconds.


Argument’s type

Applicable methods



method on <time>



method on <time>



method on <integer>

"hello, world"



The first row of the table shows that, when the argument is a direct instance of <time-of-day>, the method on <time> is applicable, because the argument is an instance of <time> (the method’s parameter specializer). The final row of the table shows that, when the argument is "hello, world", none of the defined methods are applicable, because "hello, world" is not an instance of <time> or <integer>.

For decode-total-seconds, there is either no or one applicable method for any argument. If there is one applicable method, it is called. If there is no applicable method, the “No applicable method” error is signaled. There is no need to continue to step 2.

In other cases, there can be several applicable methods. Consider the generic function say-greeting, shown in The say-greeting generic function and its methods. Applicable methods for different arguments to say-greeting. shows that, for certain arguments, one method is applicable, but that, for an integer argument, two methods are applicable.

When the argument is 7, a direct instance of <integer>, the method on <object> is applicable, because 7 is an instance of <object> (the method’s parameter specializer); the method on <integer> also is applicable, because 7 is an instance of <integer> (the method’s parameter specializer).

The say-greeting generic function and its methods:

define method say-greeting (greeting :: <object>)
  format-out("%s\n", greeting);

define method say-greeting (greeting :: <integer>)
  format-out("Your lucky number is %s.\n", greeting);
Applicable methods for different arguments to say-greeting.


Applicable method(s)


  1. method on <object>

  2. method on <integer>


method on <object>

"hello, world"

method on <object>

Step 2: Sort applicable methods by specificity

Start with the set of applicable methods. Compare the parameter specializers of the methods. If one type is a subtype of the other, the method whose parameter is of the subtype is more specific than the other method. Sort the list of applicable methods from most specific to least specific.

Let’s continue with the example of calling say-greeting with an argument of 7. The parameter specializers of the two methods are <object> and <integer>. Because <integer> is a subtype of <object>, the method on <integer> is more specific than the method on <object>.

Step 3: Call the most specific method

The generic function calls the most specific method.

Precedence in method dispatch

This conceptual description of how method dispatch works should help you to understand how to design methods. The most important concept to realize is that method dispatch should feel natural — it gives precedence to the methods that are more closely related to the argument, rather than to the methods that are more general. This precedence ordering lets you adjust the behavior of a class with respect to that class’s superclasses.

Definition of a generic function

We repeat the definitions of the methods for say-time-of-day and say-time-offset here:

define method say-time-of-day (time :: <time-of-day>) => ()
  let (hours, minutes) = decode-total-seconds(time);
    ("%d:%s%d", hours, if (minutes < 10) "0" else "" end, minutes);
end method say-time-of-day;

define method say-time-offset (time :: <time-offset>) => ()
  let (hours, minutes) = decode-total-seconds(time);
  format-out("%s %d:%s%d",
             if (past?(time)) "minus" else "plus" end,
             if (minutes < 10) "0" else "" end,
end method say-time-offset;

Now that decode-total-seconds has an applicable method for instances of <time-offset> and <time-of-day>, both these methods work correctly:

? say-time-of-day(*my-time-of-day*);
=> 0:02

? say-time-of-day(*your-time-of-day*);
=> 8:30

? say-time-offset(*my-time-offset*);
=> plus 15:20

? say-time-offset(*your-time-offset*);
=> minus 6:45

We have defined two methods: say-time-offset and say-time-of-day. A method defined with define method cannot exist without a generic function. When you define a method, and no generic function of that name exists, Dylan automatically creates a generic function. When we defined these two methods, there were no generic functions with those names defined, so Dylan created module variables named say-time-of-day and say-time-offset, created the generic functions, stored the generic functions in the module variables, and added the methods to the generic functions.

These two methods are logically related to each other, but have no explicit relationship in the code, other than in the similarity of their names. A cleaner approach is to abstract the concept of what these methods are trying to do — that is, to describe an object. To introduce this abstraction, we define a new generic function.

We use define generic to define the generic function explicitly:

// Given an object, print a description of the object
define generic say (any-object :: <object>) => ();

This generic function has a name: say. It receives one argument: the object to describe. That argument must be of the type <object>. All objects are of the type <object>, so this generic function does not restrict the type of its argument.

Our definition for the generic function say is similar to that of the generic function that Dylan would have created automatically if we had defined a method for say before we defined the generic function say . (The only difference is that the automatically defined generic function would have a more general value declaration.) However, defining the generic function explicitly enables us to formalize its purpose, to name the parameter, to specify a type constraint on the parameter, to specify the return values and their types, and to give comments about the generic function as a whole. The generic function defines the contract that all methods for this generic function must obey. The contract of the say generic function is as follows:

The say generic function receives one required argument, which must be of the type <object>. It prints a description of the object. The say generic function returns no values.

Dylan requires all the methods for a generic function to have congruent parameter lists and values declarations. See Parameter-list congruence.

Now, we define two methods for say. The method for say on <time-of-day> fulfills the same purpose (and has the same body) as the say-time-of-day method, which we remove from the library with an editor or a gesture in the environment.

define method say (time :: <time-of-day>) => ()
  let (hours, minutes) = decode-total-seconds(time);
    ("%d:%s%d", hours, if (minutes < 10) "0" else "" end, minutes);
end method say;

Similarly, the method for say on <time-offset> is intended to replace say-time-offset, which we remove.

define method say (time :: <time-offset>) => ()
  let (hours, minutes) = decode-total-seconds(time);
  format-out("%s %d:%s%d",
             if (past?(time)) "minus" else "plus" end,
             if (minutes < 10) "0" else "" end,
end method say-time-offset;

The generic function say has two methods defined for it:

define method say (time :: <time-of-day>) => ()
  let (hours, minutes) = decode-total-seconds(time);
    ("%d:%s%d", hours, if (minutes < 10) "0" else "" end, minutes);
end say;

define method say (time :: <time-offset>) => ()
  let (hours, minutes) = decode-total-seconds(time);
  format-out("%s %d:%s%d",
             if (past?(time)) "minus" else "plus" end,
             if (minutes < 10) "0" else "" end,
end say;

We can call say:

? say(*my-time-of-day*);
=> 0:02

In the preceding call, the argument is of the type <time-of-day>, so the method on <time-of-day> is the only applicable method. That method is invoked.

? say(*my-time-offset*);
=> plus 15:20

In the preceding call, the argument is of the type <time-offset>, so the method on <time-offset> is the only applicable method. That method is invoked.

Use of next-method to call another method

Notice that there is duplication of code in the two methods for say, as shown in Methods for the say generic function Both methods call decode-total-seconds to get the hours and minutes, and call format-out to print the hours and minutes. Both methods print a leading zero for the minutes, if appropriate. These two tasks are all that the method on <time-of-day> does. The method on <time-offset> does a bit more; it prints either minus or plus, depending on the value of the past? slot.

We can eliminate this duplication by defining another method that does the shared work. This method will be on the <time> class, so it will be applicable to instances of <time-of-day> and <time-offset>. The method for <time-of-day> is no longer needed, because the new method does the same work. However, a revised method for <time-offset> is needed, to do the extra work of printing minus or plus, and to call the method on <time>, which is the next most specific method.

You can use the next-method function to call the next most specific method. Recall that the result of Dylan’s method dispatch procedure is a list of applicable methods, sorted by specificity. When one method calls the next-method function, Dylan consults the list of sorted methods and invokes the next most specific method on the list. (It is an error to call next-method from the least specific method.)

We remove the definitions of the existing say methods, and define these new methods:

define method say (time :: <time>) => ()
  let (hours, minutes) = decode-total-seconds(time);
    ("%d:%s%d", hours, if (minutes < 10) "0" else "" end, minutes);
end method say;

define method say (time :: <time-offset>)
  format-out("%s ", if (past?(time)) "minus" else "plus" end);
end method say;

We can call say:

? say(*my-time-of-day*);
=> 0:02

In the preceding call, the argument is of the type <time-of-day>, so the method on <time> is the only applicable method. That method is invoked.

? say(*my-time-offset*);
=> plus 15:20

In the preceding call, the argument is of the type <time-offset>, so two methods are applicable. The method on <time-offset> is more specific than is the method on <time>, so the method on <time-offset> is called. That method on <time-offset> prints minus or plus, and calls next-method. The next-method function calls the method on <time>, which prints the hours and minutes.

Using next-method is convenient in cases such as this, where a method on a superclass can do most of the work, but a method on a subclass needs to do additional work.

When next-method is called with no arguments, as it is in the method on <time-offset>, Dylan calls the next most specific method with the same arguments provided to the method that calls next-method.

You can provide arguments to next-method. For example, you could provide a keyword argument with a value that each method can manipulate (such as adding a value to a number, or appending an element to a list). If you provide arguments to next-method, the arguments must be compatible with the generic function, as described in Parameter-list congruence. In addition, you cannot supply required arguments that have classes different from those of the original required arguments to the generic function, if doing so would have changed the method dispatch in any way. Providing arguments to next-method is an advanced technique; see Parameter lists, and Vehicle containers.

The time library (so far)

In the course of introducing methods, classes, and generic functions, we have created elements of a library dealing with two kinds of time. Now, we construct a simple library containing those elements (we will continue to develop the time library throughout this book). We represent the time library in four files: a LID file, a library file, a library implementation file, and a test file. We could have expressed this library in three files, by combining into a single file the library implementation file and the test file, but we decided that it would be clearer to separate the underlying implementation (the definitions of classes, methods, and generic functions) from the test (where we create instances and call say on them).

The LID file: time.lid.

library: time

files: library

The library file defines the time library and the time module.

The library file: library.dylan.

module: dylan-user

define library time
  use dylan;
  use format-out;
end library time;

define module time
  use dylan;
  use format-out;
end module time;

The library implementation file defines the classes, methods, and generic functions.

The implementation file: library-implementation.dylan.

module: time

// Class definitions

define class <time> (<object>)
  slot total-seconds :: <integer>, init-keyword: total-seconds:;
end class <time>;

// A specific time of day from 00:00 (midnight) to before 24:00 (tomorrow)
define class <time-of-day> (<time>)
end class <time-of-day>;

// A relative time between -24:00 and +24:00
define class <time-offset> (<time>)
end class <time-offset>;

// Method for determining whether a time offset is in the past
define method past? (time :: <time-offset>) => (past? :: <boolean>) < 0;
end method past?;

// Methods for encoding and decoding total seconds

define method encode-total-seconds
    (hours :: <integer>, minutes :: <integer>, seconds :: <integer>)
 => (total-seconds :: <integer>)
  ((hours * 60) + minutes) * 60 + seconds;
end method encode-total-seconds;

define method decode-total-seconds
    (time :: <time>)
 => (hours :: <integer>, minutes :: <integer>, seconds :: <integer>)
end method decode-total-seconds;

define method decode-total-seconds
    (total-seconds :: <integer>)
 => (hours :: <integer>, minutes :: <integer>, seconds :: <integer>)
  let (total-minutes, seconds) = truncate/(total-seconds, 60);
  let (hours, minutes) = truncate/(total-minutes, 60);
  values(hours, minutes, seconds);
end method decode-total-seconds;

// The say generic function and its methods

// Given an object, print a description of the object
define generic say (any-object :: <object>) => ();

define method say (time :: <time>) => ()
  let (hours, minutes) = decode-total-seconds(time);
    ("%d:%s%d", hours, if (minutes < 10) "0" else "" end, minutes);
end method say;

define method say (time :: <time-offset>)
  format-out("%s ", if (past?(time)) "minus" else "plus" end);
end method say;

The test file creates instances and calls say on the instances. The test file can access variables defined in the implementation file, because both files are in the time module.

The test file: test.dylan.

module: time

define variable *my-time-offset* :: <time-offset>
  = make(<time-offset>, total-seconds: encode-total-seconds(15, 20, 10));

define variable *your-time-offset* :: <time-offset>
  = make(<time-offset>, total-seconds: - encode-total-seconds(6, 45, 30));

define variable *my-time-of-day*
  = make(<time-of-day>, total-seconds: encode-total-seconds(0, 2, 0));

define variable *your-time-of-day*
  = make(<time-of-day>, total-seconds: encode-total-seconds(8, 30, 59));





When we run the test.dylan file, Dylan creates two instances of <time-offset> and two instances of <time-of-day>. It calls say on all four instances. The output of the test is

plus 15:20
minus 6:45


In this chapter, we covered the following:

  • We showed how to use class inheritance.

  • We introduced the terminology of classes: direct subclass, subclass, direct superclass, superclass, direct instance, indirect instance, instance, subtype, and supertype.

  • We showed how method dispatch works for a generic function with one argument, when there is more than one applicable method.

  • We created a generic function explicitly (with define generic).

  • We used next-method to call the next most specific method.