Methods, Classes, and Objects¶
In this chapter, we introduce the basic concepts of methods, classes, and objects. We define simple methods, and show that each method is intended for a certain class of argument. We discuss built-in classes in Dylan, and show that they are related by class inheritance. Finally, we discuss what it means to be an object.
Dylan’s model of objects and classes differs significantly from the C++ model. If you are familiar with C++, we recommend that you read Dylan Object Model for C and C++ Programmers.
Method definitions¶
In Dylan, we define methods — a method is a kind of function. We
define a simple method, say-hello
, as follows:
define method say-hello ()
format-out("hello, world\n");
We call say-hello
as follows:
? say-hello();
=> hello, world
We use define method
to define a method named say-hello
. Just after
the name say-hello
, we specify the method’s parameter list, ()
The parameter list of this method is empty, meaning that this method
takes no arguments. The call to say-hello
provides an empty argument
list, meaning that there are no arguments in the call.
The body of the say-hello
method has one expression — a call to
. A method returns whatever is returned by the expression
executed last in its body. In general, a method can return a single
value, multiple values, or no value at all. The say-hello
returns what format-out
returns — no value at all. In the call to
, we see the output of format-out
in the listener;
we see output and not a returned value (because no value is returned).
A method that takes an argument¶
We can define a method similar to say-hello
, called say-greeting
that takes an argument:
define method say-greeting (greeting :: <object>);
format-out("%s\n", greeting);
The say-greeting
method has one required parameter, named greeting
The type constraint of the required parameter indicates the type that
the argument must be. The greeting
parameter has the type constraint
, which is the most general class. All objects are of the
type <object>
, so using this class as the type constraint allows the
argument to be any object. You can omit the type constraint of a
required parameter; that omission has the same effect as specifying
as the type constraint.
We can call say-greeting
on a string:
? say-greeting("hi, there");
=> hi, there
We can call say-greeting
on an integer, although the integer does not
give a particularly friendly greeting:
? define variable *my-number* :: <integer> = 7;
? say-greeting(*my-number*);
=> 7
Two methods with the same name¶
For fun, we can change say-greeting
to take a different action for
integers, such as to print a message:
Your lucky number is 7.
To make this change, we define another method, also called say-greeting
This method has one required parameter named greeting
, which has the type
constraint <integer>
define method say-greeting (greeting :: <integer>)
format-out("Your lucky number is %s.\n", greeting);
? say-greeting(*my-number*);
=> Your lucky number is 7.
A Dylan method is similar to a procedure or subroutine in other languages, but there is an important difference. You can define more than one method with the same name. Each one is a method for the same generic function. The say-greeting generic function and its methods shows how you can picture a generic function.
When a generic function is called, it chooses the most appropriate
method to call for the arguments. For example, when we call the
generic function with an integer, the method whose
parameter is of the type <integer>
is called:
? say-greeting(1000);
=> Your lucky number is 1000.
When we call the say-greeting
generic function with an argument that
is not an integer, the method whose parameter is of the type <object>
is called:
? say-greeting("Buenos Dias");
=> Buenos Dias
define method say-greeting (greeting :: <object>)
format-out("%s\n", greeting);
define method say-greeting (greeting :: <integer>)
format-out("Your lucky number is %s.\n", greeting);
We have already seen examples of classes in Dylan: <integer>
, <string>
, and <object>
Individual values are called objects. Each object is a direct
instance of one particular class. You can use the object-class
function to determine the direct class of an object. For example, in
certain implementations, 7, 12, and 1000 are direct instances of
the class <integer>
? object-class(1000);
=> {class <integer>}
The value returned by object-class
is the <integer>
class itself.
The appearance of a class, method, or generic function in a listener
depends on the Dylan environment. We have chosen a simple appearance of
classes for this book.
All the classes that we have seen so far are built-in classes, provided by Dylan. In User-Defined Classes and Methods, we show how to define new classes.
Class inheritance¶
One important aspect of classes is that they are related to one another
by inheritance. Inheritance enables classes that are logically related
to one another to share the behaviors and attributes that they have in
common. Each class inherits from one or more classes, called its
superclasses. If no other class is appropriate, then the class
inherits from the class <object>
. This class is the root of all
classes: All classes inherit from it, either directly or indirectly, and
it does not have any direct superclasses.
In Dylan, we distinguish between two terms: direct instance and
general instance. An object is a direct instance of exactly one
class: the class that object-class
returns for that object. An object
is a general instance of its direct class, and of all classes from
which its direct class inherits. The term instance is equivalent to
general instance. You can use the instance?
predicate to ask
whether an object is an instance of a given class:
? instance?(1000, <integer>);
=> #t
? instance?("hello, world", <integer>);
=> #f
All objects are instances of the class <object>
? instance?(1000, <object>);
=> #t
? instance?("hello, world", <object>);
=> #t
Classes and subclasses. shows the inheritance relationships among
several of the built-in classes. If class A is a superclass of class B,
then class B is a subclass of class A. For example, <object>
is a
superclass of <string>
, and <string>
is a subclass of <object>
For simplicity, Classes and subclasses. omits certain classes that
intervene between the classes shown.

Classes and subclasses.¶
Each arrow points from a class to a subclass.
A typical Dylan environment provides a browser to explore inheritance relationships among classes; certain environments show the relationships graphically.
The Dylan language includes functions that provide information about the
inheritance relationships among classes. We can use subtype?
to ask
whether one class inherits from another class:
? subtype?(<integer>, <number>);
=> #t
? subtype?(<integer>, <object>);
=> #t
? subtype?(<single-float>, <object>);
=> #t
? subtype?(<string>, <integer>);
=> #f
It may be confusing that we use a function called subtype?
here, but
Dylan does not provide a function called subclass?
. Every class is a
type, but certain types are not classes (see
Functions that create nonclass types). The subtype?
function works for both classes and other types.
We can ask for all the superclasses of a given class:
? all-superclasses(<string>);
=> #[{class <string>}, {class <mutable-sequence>}, {class <sequence>},
=> {class <mutable-collection>}, {class <collection>}, {class <object>}]
? all-superclasses(<integer>);
=> #[{class <integer>}, {class <rational>}, {class <real>},
=> {class <number>}, {class <object>}]
? all-superclasses(<single-float>);
=> #[{class <single-float>}, {class <float>}, {class <real>},
=> {class <number>}, {class <object>}]
The all-superclasses
function returns a vector containing the class
itself and all that class’s superclasses. The #[...]
represents a vector, which is a one-dimensional array. (For
information about vectors, see Collections and Control Flow.)
Relationship between classes and methods¶
The relationship between classes and methods in Dylan is different from that in C++ and Smalltalk, among other languages.
In Dylan, a method belongs to a generic function, as shown in The
say-greeting generic function and its methods.
Although methods are independent of classes, methods operate on
instances of classes. A method states the types of objects for which it
is applicable by the type constraint of each of its required parameters.
Consider the say-greeting
method defined earlier:
define method say-greeting (greeting :: <integer>);
format-out("Your lucky number is %s.\n", greeting);
This method operates on instances of the <integer>
class. Notice how
easy and convenient it is to define a method intended for use on the
built-in class <integer>
In Dylan, everything is an object. Characters, strings, numbers,
arrays, and vectors are all objects. The canonical true and false
values, #t
, and #f
, are objects. Methods, generic functions, and
classes are objects. What does it mean to be an object?
Most important, an object has a unique identity. You can use the
predicate to test whether two operands are the same object. See Predicates for testing equality.An object is a direct instance of a particular class. You can use the
predicate to determine the direct class of an object.You can give an object a name. For example, if you define a variable or constant to contain an object, you have given that object a name. See Bindings: Mappings between objects and names.
You can pass an object as an argument or return value — because generic functions and methods are objects, you can manipulate them just as you can any other object. See Functions as objects.
Predicates for testing equality¶
Dylan provides two predicates for testing equality: =
and ==
. The
predicate determines whether two objects are similar. Similarity
is defined differently for different kinds of objects. When you define
new classes, you can define how similarity is tested for those classes
by defining a method for =
The ==
predicate determines whether the operands are identical —
that is, whether the operands are the same object. The ==
(identity) is a stronger test: two values may be similar but not
identical, and two identical values are always similar.
If two numbers are mathematically equal, then they are similar:
? 100 = 100;
=> #t
? 100 = 100.0;
=> #t
Two numbers that are similar, and have the same type, are the same object:
? 100 == 100;
=> #t
Two numbers that are similar, but have different types, are not the same object:
? 100 == 100.0;
=> #f
Characters are enclosed in single quotation marks. If two characters look the same, they are similar and identical:
? 'z' = 'z';
=> #t
? 'z' == 'z';
=> #t
Strings are enclosed in double quotation marks. Strings that have identical elements are similar, but may or may not be identical. That is, strings can have identical elements, but not be the same string. For example, these strings are similar:
? "apple" = "apple";
=> #t
Just by looking at two strings, you cannot know whether or not they are
the identical string. The only way to determine identity is to use the
predicate. The following expression could return #t
or #f
? "apple" == "apple";
A string is always identical to itself:
? begin
let yours = "apple";
let mine = yours;
mine == yours;
=> #t
Bindings: Mappings between objects and names¶
A binding is a mapping between an object and a name. The name can be a module variable, module constant, or local variable.
Here, we give the object 3.14159
the name $pi
, where $pi
is a
module constant:
? define constant $pi = 3.14159;
Here, we give the object "apple"
the name *my-favorite-pie*
where *my-favorite-pie*
is a module variable:
? define variable *my-favorite-pie* = "apple";
More than one variable can contain a particular object, so, in effect, an object can have many names. Here, we define a new variable that contains the very same pie:
? define variable *your-favorite-pie* = *my-favorite-pie*;
? *your-favorite-pie* == *my-favorite-pie*;
=> #t
When you define a method, define method
creates a binding between a
name and a method object:
? define method say-greeting (greeting :: <object>);
format-out("%s\n", greeting);
All the bindings that we have created in this section so far are accessible within a module. (For information about modules, see Libraries and Modules.) Bindings as links shows how you can picture each binding as a link between a name and another object.
Local variables are also bindings, but they are accessible only within a certain body of code; for example,
? begin
let radius = 5.0;
let circumference = 2.0 * $pi * radius;
Bindings can be constant or variable. You can use the assignment operator to change a variable binding, but you cannot change a constant binding. Module constants are constant bindings; module variables and local variables are variable bindings.

Bindings as links (shown as arrows) between names (enclosed in ovals) and objects (enclosed in rectangles) within a module.¶
In this chapter, we covered the following:
A generic function can contain more than one method, where each method has parameters of different types, and thus is intended for different arguments. The
generic function has two methods.Dylan provides built-in classes, including
, and<object>
. These classes are related by inheritance.In Dylan, almost everything is an object. Each object has a unique identity.
predicate tests for similarity; the==
predicate tests for identity.A binding is an association between an object and a name.